Not meaning to do the Bah BumHug (I just made that up) thing, and genuinely hoping that if xmas is your thing, you enjoy...
However, at the time of year when materialism is more rife than a trifle in a rifle range- I'd just like to implore you to think of those without a warm cosy home, without loved ones around them...the list of those less fortunate than us goes on.
Enjoy yourselves- but before buying that "must have" pair of knickers in the sale- or third bottle of alkyhol for new year, take stock and ask yourself if you'd really miss the whatever- it- is you really don't need. Is there someone else who would benefit more from a few quid? To some people, in this weather it could mean the difference twixt life and death.
I don't want people to feel a need to list their good deeds- just think. If some of you act- wonderful. If you don't, then may the deaths of a thousand Tiny Tims haunt your consciences for all eternity.

I have been, and will continue to do my bit (which has, granted, taken an unusual form this year in the shape of unexpected waifs) and hope that you will too.
Merry Xmas (pan***s!) to all, and to all, a good-night.