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So, this is Christmas...

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...and what have you done?
Not meaning to do the Bah BumHug (I just made that up) thing, and genuinely hoping that if xmas is your thing, you enjoy...
However, at the time of year when materialism is more rife than a trifle in a rifle range- I'd just like to implore you to think of those without a warm cosy home, without loved ones around them...the list of those less fortunate than us goes on.
Enjoy yourselves- but before buying that "must have" pair of knickers in the sale- or third bottle of alkyhol for new year, take stock and ask yourself if you'd really miss the whatever- it- is you really don't need. Is there someone else who would benefit more from a few quid? To some people, in this weather it could mean the difference twixt life and death.
I don't want people to feel a need to list their good deeds- just think. If some of you act- wonderful. If you don't, then may the deaths of a thousand Tiny Tims haunt your consciences for all eternity. lol
I have been, and will continue to do my bit (which has, granted, taken an unusual form this year in the shape of unexpected waifs) and hope that you will too.
Merry Xmas (pan***s!) to all, and to all, a good-night.
Quote by Ms_Whips
well i applaude your thinking witchy!
however, for me this year charity begins at home. things have been tight for a while and my main priority is to my son and myself. i work god damn hard all year and have bought myself one bottle of fizz. i'm not going to feel guilty about it either. it cost me less than a fiver and i shall enjoy every sip. i give throughout all the year, buy the big issue, support animal charities too as well as using my wages to put into the activities funds at work for my residents.
i have my pets as my major luxury and could even put my lover in there as one too.
so sorry, although i think it is awful for those who are without, and i wish i could do more, i won't have their ill fortune on my head this year.

Not saying you should at all Whips- I won't be eating gruel myself...and wouldn't expect anyone to go without. What irks me more than anything is the mass waste at this time of year. It's shameful what some people end up buying & binning.
Do I sound really sanctimonious? Och well, who cares, I'm buggered if I can think of a way of making my point without without it. :lol2:
sanctimony, sanctimony, they've all got it sanctimony!
having no heating or hot water the last few days did make me grateful for the roof over my head and make me think of those less fortunate
this year has been hard for all my family as it has many others financially and emotionally, our xmas table is being filled by us all taking something, i have made most of my xmas presents, i am just looking forward to the time with my family and am thankful for everyminute there is.
none of us buy anything extra for the xmas period foodwise, there is no need, and i personally hate waste, i do try to never buy what i dont need, use what i have bought and never throw anything out, its basically throwing money in the bin.
I do understand what you are trying to get across witchy the times are hard for a lot of people, some less fortunate than others, i hope there is a future where i could help I dont even have the time to give at the moment with trying to make ends meet.
I'm going to give the local urchins a lovely festive suprise.
I shall visit all the doorways that harbour the homeless, an gather them all together in an expectant huddle before setting them ablze giving the Battersea Hoodies a lovely christmas fire. See thier faces light-up... then the rest of them as I toss them onto pyre too.
and none of my nonsence is intended to make light of Whitchies initial thoughts.
Or is this Christmas?
The date of December 25th probably originated with the ancient "birthday" of the sun-god, Mithra, a pagan deity whose religious influence became widespread in the Roman Empire during the first few centuries A.D. Mithra was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and downright debauchery, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples.
Variations of this pagan holiday flourished throughout the first few centuries after Jesus Christ, but it probably wasn't until 336 AD that Emperor Constantine officially converted this pagan tradition into the "Christian" holiday of Christmas.

I do good stuff, my family does too. We also do religious stuff, so we're not doing that bit for show at this time of year either.
So, in the names of Mithra, Shamash et al, I'll opt for a day or so of debauchery and enjoy every minute... the pressies, the traditions, the family mass, the sharing of food and wine, the catching up with family and friends and the general making merry. If that's debauched and un-PC, oh well.
it's just another day here in Randomville.
so whatever happens the rest of the year, happens now too.
It's really rather magical.
Ok well for 2:02 on Christmas morning I'll be a bit Bah humbug
Some babys born in the searing heat of an African plain have no place to go. They are displaced and starving the mother cant go this way or that way cus guns and red tape are pointed at her. Charity is deserved.
In the UK I am not going to put a figure on it but a fair % of the homeless dont need to be homeless. A lot of them are there by their own hands and their own actions. Lets not forget this is a nation full of do gooders theres a charity out there for just about everyone who wants to get the f**k off their ass and help themselves. I do love the newspaper figures i.e. so much % of UK children grow up in poverty. In the words of Cathrine Tates Nan "what a f*ucking load of old shite" In the society that calls a DVD player and TV a necessity? Dunno if thats the case now but I know social called them that back when video players were around. Take a look at the tax credits situation ... if you are on working tax credit you can get thousands of pounds of work done free on your property regardless of who owns it. I know as I had it done via warmfront, no excuse for being cold.
No doubt out there on the streets are kids who have been abused and people unable to help themselves at this moment in time sad but in this society when you choose to take that step it cant be denied that there will pretty much always be someone to help you. We have charity we have free health care its there when you need it.
From someone who has previously been up at this time on Christmas morning wondering where I get my next hit from I will say that you can help people all you like but at some point they have to make the decision to fix their own life.
Ive spent a bit more than average on Christmas this year as I haven't had a bad year myself. Good job too as a lot of our retailers take 50% plus of their annual taking at Christmas. If we didnt go out and spend at Christmas there would be a lot more shop workers, warehouse workers, truckers, suppliers, do I need to go on ... out of work this Christmas.
Bit of a :notes: for Christmas morning, apologies
God bless the soup line workers
God bless the Christmas present economy supporting present buyers
Merry Christmas one and all
Good to see that generosity of spirit is alive & well on SH.
Merry whatever to you all drinkies