did you ask his username?
well you could always search the midlands members, the next time you see him drop the names into the conversation.
yes, you need to narrow the field a bit, get looking through the 'members' list, write down all the males from the west mids or mids or mansfield, remove those with a face pic on their profile or linked ad who don't match his description, make a photofit and post it to see if anyone recognises him........................
alternatively you could just ask him his username next time you see him :doh:
it wasn't me either, although i do fit the 'tasty' description
Would love to have seen the look on yer face hehehe :grin:
he must have recognised you from your picture
do you think he's seen pic 1 :giggle:
i would have freaked!!!!!!
So we are waiting here!!!!!! did you get your PM. i'm from around Mansfield but it wasn't me honest