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Sod's bloody law. Does it exist for you?

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Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:
You've had some useless item of junk or piece of paper lying around for ages. One day you decide to get rid of it and............presto.............suddenly you find you need it! banghead
You're stuck for miles behind a cyclist or tractor on a winding country road and nothing's come the other way, then just when you get to the straight bit where you know you've got a passing opportunity, something appears from the other direction! mad :x
How does it work for you?
BTW Who the fuck was Sod and why doesn't he like me? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: And who's Presto FFS? dunno
blink :blink: :blink:
Quote by Eagerslut9

You've had some useless item of junk or piece of paper lying around for ages. One day you decide to get rid of it and............presto.............suddenly you find you need it! banghead

EVERY bloody time mad :x :x :x
Quote by Eagerslut9
Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:

Ohh dont get me started on this one............ redface
Quote by Eagerslut9
You're stuck for miles behind a cyclist or tractor on a winding country road and nothing's come the other way, then just when you get to the straight bit where you know you've got a passing opportunity, something appears from the other direction! mad :x
Yep, know exactly what you mean ES, and what makes it even worse is when the truck in front of you and the tractor decides to pull out and overtake before you can :x :x lol :lol: :lol:
kiss :kiss:
Sod's Law happens to me all the time....... the empty parking space that i want is too small or its raining and the only space is 10 miles away from where i want to be....
The files that i have completed are the ones that are not used.... the ones i haven't are requested first!!!
The night before a show..... the horse pulls a shoe off.......
The car breaks down the one day i haven't brought the AA card with me!!!!
My mobile battery gives out just when i really want to chat to someone........or the signal goes and i cant send a text..... and its an important one.....
Life...... dont talk to me about life !!!!!!!!!!!
equi-princess xxx
Quote by Kit

You're stuck for miles behind a cyclist or tractor on a winding country road and nothing's come the other way, then just when you get to the straight bit where you know you've got a passing opportunity, something appears from the other direction! mad :x
Yep, know exactly what you mean ES, and what makes it even worse is when the truck in front of you and the tractor decides to pull out and overtake before you can :x :x lol :lol: :lol:
kiss :kiss:
He hee, ya bugger! smackbottom
Well I guess if I lost my opportunity because I let you go first, I'd be stuck behind the cycle for another 10 minutes and all the cars that came up behind me would be cursing me 'cos they wouldn't be able to see the cyclist in front of me. :shock: :shock: redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
Sod's law again, isn't it? wink :lol: :lol:
innocent :whistling:
Yes indeed - it does exist!
An empty road ahead apart from two trucks and just as you get to them one decides to overtake the other and takes about 2 miles to do it!!!!!!!
The best Sod's Law I heard was seeing a fabulous woman standing by the road, hitching a lift, when you've just farted in the car.
You'll never find out who presto is until you shout out for him -- 'Hey!' Works every time ( i offer a formal apology for this!) bolt
Quote by Eagerslut9
Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:

Why not do what I do Eager S......I always carry a 'piss bucket' with me on long journeys, it can sometimes get pretty full, but there's always a gang of 'hoodies' on the route back home....I've lost count of the amount of times I've emptied that bucket out of the window and showered the little darlings......I like to think I'm doing my bit for society wink
                                               K       I      N      K      Y                  L      I      Z      A      R      D
Quote by gailen
Yes indeed - it does exist!
An empty road ahead apart from two trucks and just as you get to them one decides to overtake the other and takes about 2 miles to do it!!!!!!!

Yep! Guilty as charged (on occasion) but we do have our problems too (and we pay more road tax than a car and are just as entitled to use the road, don't forget). We don't have the same stress as driving a car but we're under constant pressure to deliver/collect on time and it's got a lot worse in the last couple of years. It's a very competitive business, trucking, and the high tax on fuel in this country exacerbates the problems for hauliers. Many British companies have gone to the wall in the face of foreign companies whose trucks don't buy their diesel over here.
Sorry to rant. I didn't mean to get too serious on this thread, but it had to be said.
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
Quote by Kinky Lizard
Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:

Why not do what I do Eager S......I always carry a 'piss bucket' with me on long journeys, it can sometimes get pretty full, but there's always a gang of 'hoodies' on the route back home....I've lost count of the amount of times I've emptied that bucket out of the window and showered the little darlings......I like to think I'm doing my bit for society wink
                                               K       I      N      K      Y                  L      I      Z      A      R      D
Heh! You staying on Planet Kinky longer each year fer tax reasons or summat? good to see you back again mate!
Quote by Eagerslut9
Yes indeed - it does exist!
An empty road ahead apart from two trucks and just as you get to them one decides to overtake the other and takes about 2 miles to do it!!!!!!!

Yep! Guilty as charged (on occasion) but we do have our problems too (and we pay more road tax than a car and are just as entitled to use the road, don't forget). We don't have the same stress as driving a car but we're under constant pressure to deliver/collect on time and it's got a lot worse in the last couple of years. It's a very competitive business, trucking, and the high tax on fuel in this country exacerbates the problems for hauliers. Many British companies have gone to the wall in the face of foreign companies whose trucks don't buy their diesel over here.
Sorry to rant. I didn't mean to get too serious on this thread, but it had to be said.
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:

Actually - i have every sympathy for truckers - fuerl costs etc!
BUT it i work with truckers and it doesnt make the slightest bit of difference to "back off a couple of clicks" now and again. *yes im ranting too - SORRY*
rant over!
Quote by Kinky Lizard
Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:

Why not do what I do Eager S......I always carry a 'piss bucket' with me on long journeys, it can sometimes get pretty full, but there's always a gang of 'hoodies' on the route back home....I've lost count of the amount of times I've emptied that bucket out of the window and showered the little darlings......I like to think I'm doing my bit for society wink
                                               K       I      N      K      Y                  L      I      Z      A      R      D
He hee! lol :lol: :lol:
I use an empty conditioner bottle. redface surprisedops:
I'm gonna give your method a go. :twisted: :twisted:
"Take that yer little fuckers!" (One up for 'Hoodie Whackers') :grin: :grin: :bounce: :bounce:
Does that give a whole new meaning to 'Water Sports'? dunno :twisted: :twisted:
:rascal: :rascal: bolt
Quote by Eagerslut9
Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:

Why not do what I do Eager S......I always carry a 'piss bucket' with me on long journeys, it can sometimes get pretty full, but there's always a gang of 'hoodies' on the route back home....I've lost count of the amount of times I've emptied that bucket out of the window and showered the little darlings......I like to think I'm doing my bit for society wink
                                               K       I      N      K      Y                  L      I      Z      A      R      D
He hee! lol :lol: :lol:
I use an empty conditioner bottle. redface surprisedops:

Ditto on the fabric conditioner bottle - and most of everything else you've said. Especially about not having the samestresses as car drivers rolleyes That is of course - whenI'm working :wink:
But I've not thrown any liquid out the window since I chucked a cup of tea out the window of an FL10, and most of it came back in mad
Quote by Eagerslut9
Isn't it always the same? You've been building up to having a pee for the last 100 miles and have passed innumerable places where you could've stopped, then just when it starts to really get a bit desperate there's nowhere to pull over on the road you're on! Grrrrrrrrr! :shock: :shock:

Why not do what I do Eager S......I always carry a 'piss bucket' with me on long journeys, it can sometimes get pretty full, but there's always a gang of 'hoodies' on the route back home....I've lost count of the amount of times I've emptied that bucket out of the window and showered the little darlings......I like to think I'm doing my bit for society wink
                                               K       I      N      K      Y                  L      I      Z      A      R      D
He hee! lol :lol: :lol:
I use an empty conditioner bottle. redface surprisedops:
I'm gonna give your method a go. :twisted: :twisted:
"Take that yer little fuckers!" (One up for 'Hoodie Whackers') :grin: :grin: :bounce: :bounce:
Does that give a whole new meaning to 'Water Sports'? dunno :twisted: :twisted:
:rascal: :rascal: bolt

LOL eager S biggrin
Conditioner bottle eh? Mmmmmmm! bet you can be really accurate with that. Is it a Timotei bottle??? They fit nicely in the hand and are an attractive colour too. :wink:
                                               K       I      N      K      Y                  L      I      Z      A      R      D
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I got deperate enough to use a coke tin one night. Then a police man pulled me over and asked what it was
Got arrested for being in possesion of canofpiss hehehehehe
:twisted: Taff666 :twisted:
Quote by Eagerslut9
Yep! Guilty as charged (on occasion) but we do have our problems too (and we pay more road tax than a car and are just as entitled to use the road, don't forget). We don't have the same stress as driving a car but we're under constant pressure to deliver/collect on time and it's got a lot worse in the last couple of years. It's a very competitive business, trucking, and the high tax on fuel in this country exacerbates the problems for hauliers. Many British companies have gone to the wall in the face of foreign companies whose trucks don't buy their diesel over here.

I just read this again! Whilst i TOTALLY agree with you about fuel costs and competition etc - Some of us are also in competition - i have to make airports in time etc! Realistically - its no different from a truck driver - its all about time and customer service! - Im with you if you read this properly!
But i often let trucks pull out in front of me - i just wish that some truckers would consider other road users as well !
Sod, aka Murphy, was very astute with his (her?) findings and I have added a corolory (or something like that):
Murhy's Law, summarised, states that if something can go wrong, then it will - usually at a bad time. Thus, the Law itself is subject to it's own prediction.
That anything ever works poperly is actually a failure of Murphy's Law, thus proving itself by it's very failure.
Sod, or Murphy, is always with me.
When I forgot my clubcard everytime I go to tesco
When it rains every time, like clockwork on my way to and from Kung Fu (monday at and 9, I swear)
When I accept a temp job only to have a better one come along 10 minutes later
When I get an e-mail from someone who saw my photo ad and it's spam/timewaster
When I desperately need my stutter to not appear, sods law and hey presto....
Quote by Eagerslut9
He hee! lol :lol: :lol:
I use an empty conditioner bottle. redface surprisedops:
I'm gonna give your method a go. :twisted: :twisted:
"Take that yer little fuckers!" (One up for 'Hoodie Whackers') :grin: :grin: :bounce: :bounce:
Does that give a whole new meaning to 'Water Sports'? dunno :twisted: :twisted:
:rascal: :rascal: bolt

But don't you just know that Sod's Law would again rear it's ugly head, and it would only be after you were wearing most of the contents of your conditioner bottle, that you realise the window was shut.
Quote by Horous

He hee! lol :lol: :lol:
I use an empty conditioner bottle. redface surprisedops:
I'm gonna give your method a go. :twisted: :twisted:
"Take that yer little fuckers!" (One up for 'Hoodie Whackers') :grin: :grin: :bounce: :bounce:
Does that give a whole new meaning to 'Water Sports'? dunno :twisted: :twisted:
:rascal: :rascal: bolt

But don't you just know that Sod's Law would again rear it's ugly head, and it would only be after you were wearing most of the contents of your conditioner bottle, that you realise the window was shut.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Well one day I will be able to say I'm bored and not have someone keel over, one day I will finish the cup of tea, one day I will actually eat my lunch... until that day I will remain (Along with most of my collegues) carefull not to use the B word at weekends...
...and if you all think I am mad, I once said "'Boy wouldn't it be fun to have cardiac job, never had to use the defib since I trained on it". 20 mins later (seriously only 20 mins) we had a call to query MI. After we got him packaged up and blued away I decided to keep my mouth firmly shut and not tempt fate :shock:
it happens to me all the time confused i bought an umberella because it kept raining ..yes you guessed it the rain stopped :? then i bought sunglasses because it was a lovely week , and i,ve not had much chance to wear them sad then you got a double door and you push the one thats locked rolleyes evil
i think the solution to the "piss" problem is that the government should make it possible to buy catheters for your local chemist!!!!! god i love those things when i was in hospital and had to have one i wanted to bring it home!!!! if your like me and drink 20ish cups of tea a day ur always at the toilet why carnt people make our lives easier???? :cry:
i sympathise totally!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
rachels law has struck this morning. i was just about to shoot off to hayway shoes to buy some killer red pvc heels. its a good job i checked the website for operning times cos their on bloody holiday all week and wont be back untill tomorrow grrrrr. dont they realise i have needs :twisted:
Quote by bigDewi69
Sod, or Murphy, is always with me.
When I forgot my clubcard everytime I go to tesco

That one can easily be solved. The new clubcards come with a couple of keyring fobs with a barcode on them which can be scanned and works just like a mini clubcard.
Quote by flapjackboy
Sod, or Murphy, is always with me.
When I forgot my clubcard everytime I go to tesco

That one can easily be solved. The new clubcards come with a couple of keyring fobs with a barcode on them which can be scanned and works just like a mini clubcard.
It's actually my own bloody fault as I have yet to get a proper clubcard and am just using a temporary paper one they give out. redface
Sorry to drag up an old thread but proof Sod's Law exists & is working in Derbyshire.
How often do you check there is toilet paper in a public loo before having a dump and have to go to another cubicle because there isn't any?
For me the answer is never. There is always loo paper in the holder when I check.
But Sod's Law states that when you don't check if there is paper there won't be any!!!
As I found out today. :cry: redface :doh: dunno
Quote by littlemee
Sorry to drag up an old thread but proof Sod's Law exists & is working in Derbyshire.
How often do you check there is toilet paper in a public loo before having a dump and have to go to another cubicle because there isn't any?
For me the answer is never. There is always loo paper in the holder when I check.
But Sod's Law states that when you don't check if there is paper there won't be any!!!
As I found out today. :cry: redface :doh: dunno

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
What did you do? lol :lol:
Quote by Eagerslut9
Sorry to drag up an old thread but proof Sod's Law exists & is working in Derbyshire.
How often do you check there is toilet paper in a public loo before having a dump and have to go to another cubicle because there isn't any?
For me the answer is never. There is always loo paper in the holder when I check.
But Sod's Law states that when you don't check if there is paper there won't be any!!!
As I found out today. :cry: redface :doh: dunno

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
What did you do? lol :lol:
yeah come on tell us what did you do :giggle: