when something personal go's horribly wrong for you lot what do you do to hide away from it????
at the moment i'm blanking but i dont think in the long term its best

Quote by robbie_rob
well for the second night in succesion(spelling??) its taken me at least half an hour to sign in,i have been drinking excessively etc and having a bit of a rough un so to speak(though the footie bet earlier was good)
when something personal go's horribly wrong for you lot what do you do to hide away from it????
at the moment i'm blanking but i dont think in the long term its best
Quote by robbie_rob
well for the second night in succesion(spelling??) its taken me at least half an hour to sign in,i have been drinking excessively etc and having a bit of a rough un so to speak(though the footie bet earlier was good)
when something personal go's horribly wrong for you lot what do you do to hide away from it????
at the moment i'm blanking but i dont think in the long term its best