Why do loads of people think somerset is full of farmers? we dont have a dogy accent and the towns are busy. and no i dont have a combine harvester. lol
If he were goin a li'l bit faaaaster n he were goooin a little bit slower - he'd av hit he
Anyone for a cider? :cheers:
Ohhhhhhhh arrrrrrrrr, I be a farrrrrmer!
Have you heard moiy best fasrmyard impression????
Ohhhh arrrrrrrrrrr Ill harve borth Mr farmerrrrrrrr
Anyhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :shock:
Somerset is a wonderful place-second only to Shropshire in the league of places God would choose to live...
The good burghers of said county saved my life-literally-and I won't have a word said against them.
Visit Doone Valley and tell me your life isn't changed.
In May, the cider blossom is a joy to behold.
The cider is good-not quite as good as Hereford's best-and the ghosts of Monmouth's men haunt the 'Levels'.
Listen to Evensong in Wells Cathedral and tell me the spirit of England has gone...Stand beneath Glastonbury Tor, when the festival has gone, and tell me you can't imagine King Arthur and his Knights lined up on the horizon...
If still in doubt, read 'Lorna Doone'.
Do not fear my 'Zummerzet' friends: you inhabit a wonderful place....
In reflective mode.
ciderman ciderman goes as fast as a cider can!! BURP! :P
I don't actually need the cider but the West Country (see how I didn't say cuntry?) is a marvellous place to be.
What now im so lost im just gonna cry!! Somebody help ma boab!
It's a scottish phrase. Oor Wullie and The Broons say it a lot. "Jings! Crivens! Help ma Boab!".
I think it translates as "oh bollocks!"
Its a braw bricht nicht the nicht! Innit
Britnaaaaaaaaay where ur ye hen!! Boab Boab!! Help mah boab!
"its old man smithers again!!"
so anyone form around somerset here then?
ornleee us cider drinin farrmerrrrsss!! Ohhh arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr