Quote by freckledbird Here's a bouquet for all the ladies who didn't get one for Valentine's day
I think this collection of erections should be expanded to life size, the willies numbered, and placed on the ads index page. That way, nobody needs to do any more cock shots: Just write to the advertiser indicating which numbered willy looks like yours.
Unknown User
Quote by Ice Pie Here's a bouquet for all the ladies who didn't get one for Valentine's day
I think this collection of erections should be expanded to life size, the willies numbered, and placed on the ads index page. That way, nobody needs to do any more cock shots: Just write to the advertiser indicating which numbered willy looks like yours. Mines already there !! Its that little one just above the 's' in the word 'penis' I mean
Can put them in a vase on the window ledge I wonder if you have to water them...and how often : ...and do you prune them in spring :?: Mines the one with the red nose :giggle: :haha: :haha:
The scary looking one in the middle with foreskin looks like a sandworm from dune. I'm greatly perturbed that that was my first thought upon viewing a 'bouquet of cocks' Ken