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Something really deep and meaningful!!!!...............

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Sex God
lol Its my 1000th post!!!
Master of Sex
And congrats on being ten times wiser than me!!! biggrin
congratulations...well done devil....we'll crack open the champagne and drink to the next 1000 :cheers:
Sex God
Sex God
you're on my wavelength MQ!!! lol :lol:
Sex God
lol :lol: I blame my parents! :lol: :lol:
Flebbly Well Done !! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
here to the next 1000 and looking 4ward to putting at least a face to a name on saturday at satins party
Sex God
you must have a crap memory leprechaun.... I was there last time! rolleyes lol
... and still she hasn't shut up... jeez!!! rolleyes
Sex God
Quote by devil_in_part
... and still she hasn't shut up... jeez!!! rolleyes

Just coz I get better conversation off here than from you!!! lol :lol:
(only joking hun)
putting all names and faces together plus all the visual stimuloius
so god knows what i'll be like next sunday morning
Sex God
Do you think you will recognise me from my pic leprechaun? lol
MQ, I'm sure everyone will recognise you if that neon sign is real!!! lol
Quote by leprechaun
so god knows what i'll be like next sunday morning

Dont worry, ill send the kids over :twisted:
Quote by xxdevil69
lol Its my 1000th post!!!

Congrats Babe! heres to the next 1000 or so posts!
MR Fibble & Jiggle (aka JGL)
Sex God
Quote by xxdevil69
Its my 1000th post!!!

I'm only just half that... worship
Warming the Bed
Woo Hoo !!! ((( TM Missy 2004 )))
:bounce: Congrats on 1000 posts!!!! :bounce:
so xxdevil69 is officially a Goddess! well we knew that anyways, but least it's now official! ;)
see you saturday! and can you believe i hit my 50th post today? get that! :lol2:
neil x x x ;)
Quote by YouAintSeenMeRite
Woo Hoo !!! ((( TM Missy 2004 )))
:bounce: Congrats on 1000 posts!!!! :bounce:
so xxdevil69 is officially a Goddess! well we knew that anyways, but least it's now official! ;)
see you saturday! and can you believe i hit my 50th post today? get that! :lol2:
neil x x x ;)

Double celebration then hun!!! Keep going and you'll be hitting 100 before u know it! lol
Sex God
Congratulations xxdevil69 .........
here's to the next 1000 drinkies
Sex God
sorry that above message was from me!!! just used his laptop. But devil_in_part says congratulations on reaching 50!!! lol