For those of you who are new, I'm Heather...
For those of you who are not new, I'm Heather... remember me??

Where do I begin?
I can't believe I haven't been 'back home' on SH since New Years Day!
First off, I had a wee small operation in the first week of January - I am now fully recovered, thanks.

Then... while I nipped out to the shops to get some medicinal Jaffa Cakes, some b**tard broke into my house and burgled me - which sent me into a deep malaise during which (and I DO realise just how serious this is) I even pondered becoming a Sunday Sport journalist.
Then... two weeks back just as I was feeling randy again, I young chap wrapped his nice shiney BMW around the tree outside my house. He died, sorry to say. His own fault... but it's taken two weeks of Police statements, etc...
However... I have no chance whatsoever in catching up on all the naughty goings on so will someone please PM me and let me know the skinny?
and will everyone that wrote to be please accept my apologies for not getting back as yet. It'll take me a while to reply to you all.
Lot of Bunny Hugz