Has anyone else had experiences of using Spannish Fly?
I could not believe the effect it had on M the last couple of trips to La Chambre! The few inhibitions she had certainly dissappeared as a result, much to the delight of a couple of the male members!
Very dangerous drug. Best bet is to leave it well alone. I believe it has serious consequences for the heart of the taker.
I remember first reading this description of Spanish Fly years ago:
I have no idea if it's true or not, but I wouldn't want to risk it myself!
For those interested:
"The Spanish fly is the emerald-green blister beetle, in Latin Cantharis vesicatoria or Lytta vesicatoria which is found in the southern parts of Europe. The body is usually 15-22 mm long and 5-8 mm wide with a strong smell and a burning taste. The dried and crushed body of the beetle was earlier used medically as a irritant and diuretic, but was also regarded as a potent aphrodisiac
The legend that Spanish fly (or cantharides, a substance made from dried beetle remains) is a powerful aphrodisiac has been around for hundreds of years. The substance irritates the urogenital tract and produces an itching sensation in sensitive membranes, a feeling that allegedly increases a woman's desire for intercourse."
I may be wrong, but I believe that the "real stuff" is illegal, though there are now marketed assorted variations based on anything from mixed herbs and the like to snake oil.
Another discussion on illegal use of drugs.