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I've just been chattering with my best mate. She's recently split with her boyfriend and has since found out that he's been seeing someone else. rolleyes
Anyway... we got to talking about sex, as we usually do, and she said that she'd had no nonsense and wanted to know what naughtiness I'd been up to (another of my mates living vicariously through my sex life!) and I had to - rather embarrassingly - tell her that I'd had absolutely no nonsense in ages! redface
We both said, almost at the same time that we just wanted someone we had spark with. You know the sort of spark that makes your tummy flip? The one when an innocent comment makes you blush? I have all of that at the moment but sadly it's with someone I can't have at work. I'm not going there, for a number of reasons but one of them is because I think the actual reality of the deed would totally ruin my wanking fantasies and all that sparky behaviour that's making my working life quite a lot of fun at the moment would either disappear or just get messy. It's almost like there's an invisible line that we're not crossing - I think it's a fairly mutual decision - but I can begin to think about shagging someone else without having that spark there. confused
Now I'm wondering where I can find some more of that spark with someone I can actually move onto the reality with and perhaps get a shag this side of Christmas (next year would be fine too!). How do you put that spark into words? Or can you not? I just don't think I could face shagging someone just for the sake of it. My mate said exactly the same thing. A fuck buddy would be marvellous but I think I'm too lazy to do the interviews. Am I alone in this? Maybe it's just me. Am I expecting too much for that spark to be there right from the word go? Is it something that grows? More questions... I know, sorry but I like questions! :mrgreen:
So suggestions please... on a postcard if necessary but here will do in the meantime! wink
DG I am sooooooooooo with you - I am forever searching for the elusive spark.
Thank you. You're both very helpful.
Alas I'm no closer to getting a shag with a spark though am I?! rolleyes
well... wouldn't the 'spark' or belly-flip only really make itsself apparent after initial personal interaction?
getting to know people via these pages is all well and good, and perhaps having a 'feel' for who and what they may be is all well and good... but I'm guessing that not until something a little more direct happens... well... who's to know?
Even the occassional PM or afewminutes on a messenger system of some sort can give a good impression of whether or not there is 'that' feeling.
of course... then there can be thefull-on, face to face meeting in real life.
Thats when it all gets ugly
If you're lusting after someone and not doing anything about it, you're probably generating 'fuck me' sparks all over the place - just got to get out a lot and wait for one to fall into some interesting tinder...
Confucious say "she with long list have short spark"
ignore essex rolleyes
I have long list and have plenty spark.
It doesn't last anytime at all after the 'deed' tho' (with some rare exceptions)
I think that it is a numbers game DG get your ass into the site, almost full time.. chatting and PMing and you will soon be over-run with spark like things.
Quote by splendid_
ignore essex rolleyes

DG has met me, she learned to ignore me a long time ago biggrin
is she combustable?
w ar ni ng !
So the outcome so far is:
My list is too long.
I'm too fussy.
I need to get out more.
I'm looking for something that doesn't exist!
*goes for a wank*
Have no fear DG I am here taaaarrraaaaaa.
Forget all those ppl who will only shag you once and never again. rolleyes
I will shag you till the cows come home well,unless the farmer shuts the gate and they can't get in wink
Oh and a spark is what you want eh??
Ok Ill keep the paraffin away from us cos woossh we will go up in flames.
I have lots of popcorn tho innocent
It does exist, and you already know that because you have it - just not with someone you can take it further with ;)
As to how to find it... that's a bit more difficult confused
I do think it's easily imagined online though and am inclined to agree with LP. It's only in real life that you can discover whether it's really there or not. That tummy flip from chatting online might just be because you're projecting your fantasies onto or into the other person - imagining that this, or that, or the other would happen. Meeting in real life means you can test out for sure that it's there.
I don't think your list is necessarily too long, and there's no such thing as too fussy ;) You maybe do need to get out more, but what you're looking for definitely *does* exist. You just need to get off your bum and do those interviews lol
Totally agree with varca and angel about the spark
We are great friends with one cpl and ever since we met (over 4 years ago now) there has always been that "spark" between myself and his other half.
You know it when you feel it, and its def not the same spark as in being in love with someone.
But all the same its a very scary feeling
Don’t think my new partner has that same type of spark when with him but she still enjoys our play times with them.
We also play with several other cpls who are close friends of ours but it is only play and not the same "spark" biggrin
Quote by __random_orbit__
is she combustable?
w a r n i n g !

Nup - comestible though (of the extremely delicious variety)
Some of the best sparks come from close friendship. I don't want to be presumptuous here, but.....
Quote by Dirtygirlie
I've just been chattering with my best mate. She's recently split with her boyfriend....

Quote by Cubes
Some of the best sparks come from close friendship. I don't want to be presumptuous here, but.....
I've just been chattering with my best mate. She's recently split with her boyfriend....

She lives in Spain! :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirlie
Some of the best sparks come from close friendship. I don't want to be presumptuous here, but.....
I've just been chattering with my best mate. She's recently split with her boyfriend....

She lives in Spain! :giggle:
Try Sleazyjet, they'd get you there for chrimbo :giggle:
Quote by M8-Me
Some of the best sparks come from close friendship. I don't want to be presumptuous here, but.....
I've just been chattering with my best mate. She's recently split with her boyfriend....

She lives in Spain! :giggle:
Try Sleazyjet, they'd get you there for chrimbo :giggle:
:shock: Nooooooo!!! Don't do that! Firstly, they might cancel the flight on you like they did to me rolleyes and secondly, you have pressies and stuff waiting for you here wink
I like sparklers.
Quote by Angel Chat
:shock: Nooooooo!!! Don't do that! Firstly, they might cancel the flight on you like they did to me rolleyes and secondly, you have pressies and stuff waiting for you here wink

As luck would have it, she arrives here on the 24th (the day I drive south) and she flies home on the 28th (the day I drive north!) Could our timing be any worse?! lol
However... she is coming back in February for a few weeks before she goes off travelling so we're having Christmas then! :rascal:
Now... what's this you say about pressies?!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Quote by Dirtygirlie
:shock: Nooooooo!!! Don't do that! Firstly, they might cancel the flight on you like they did to me rolleyes and secondly, you have pressies and stuff waiting for you here wink

As luck would have it, she arrives here on the 24th (the day I drive south) and she flies home on the 28th (the day I drive north!) Could our timing be any worse?! lol
Depends on how far south you drive innit? :twisted:
Quote by redpantherman
:shock: Nooooooo!!! Don't do that! Firstly, they might cancel the flight on you like they did to me rolleyes and secondly, you have pressies and stuff waiting for you here wink

As luck would have it, she arrives here on the 24th (the day I drive south) and she flies home on the 28th (the day I drive north!) Could our timing be any worse?! lol
Depends on how far south you drive innit? :twisted:
Not far enough... on this occasion! :rascal: