Anyway... we got to talking about sex, as we usually do, and she said that she'd had no nonsense and wanted to know what naughtiness I'd been up to (another of my mates living vicariously through my sex life!) and I had to - rather embarrassingly - tell her that I'd had absolutely no nonsense in ages!

We both said, almost at the same time that we just wanted someone we had spark with. You know the sort of spark that makes your tummy flip? The one when an innocent comment makes you blush? I have all of that at the moment but sadly it's with someone I can't have at work. I'm not going there, for a number of reasons but one of them is because I think the actual reality of the deed would totally ruin my wanking fantasies and all that sparky behaviour that's making my working life quite a lot of fun at the moment would either disappear or just get messy. It's almost like there's an invisible line that we're not crossing - I think it's a fairly mutual decision - but I can begin to think about shagging someone else without having that spark there.

Now I'm wondering where I can find some more of that spark with someone I can actually move onto the reality with and perhaps get a shag this side of Christmas (next year would be fine too!). How do you put that spark into words? Or can you not? I just don't think I could face shagging someone just for the sake of it. My mate said exactly the same thing. A fuck buddy would be marvellous but I think I'm too lazy to do the interviews. Am I alone in this? Maybe it's just me. Am I expecting too much for that spark to be there right from the word go? Is it something that grows? More questions... I know, sorry but I like questions! :mrgreen:
So suggestions please... on a postcard if necessary but here will do in the meantime!