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Special meal

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Any buddin' chefs out there, I need an idea for a special meal i'm fed up trawling thru recipe books.
" I like being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of you life."
Don't worry it won't be the same unless I do the work myself
LOL! I am the last person who could give you any cooking tips, Player. I'm useless in the kitchen but I hope it goes well!
If I was you, I'd go for something really simple to make. I'm always pleased when I have a meal cooked for me, whatever it is!
Good luck! lol
Player.... does Mrs Player enjoy anything in particular? if so why not a variation on a them, and perhaps attempt something different with veggies etc...
I love to trawl through cook books for that something specal so enjoy that as part of the fun....
Cheers guy's, I have experimented in the past and it hasn't gone too bad,
I see what I can come up with. flipa
The Artificer loves his time in the kitchen..
Why not try something foolproof and simple? 'Stir Fries' offer endless variety and you can't really go wrong. Get as much local, seasonal veg as you can: savoy cabbage-stripped-is very tasty and doesn't overcook, first of the 'Purple Sprouting' Broccoli will soon be here, Green'curly' Kale is prime now, english red onion, shallots, garlic-preferably english, (beware of chicory/raddichio-often pushed by the supermarkets but will spoil a dish with bitterness), chuck in plenty beansprouts-(DEAD easy to grow yourself in a jar on the winowsill). If you like meat: chicken is foolproof, steak is supreme (well done? naw, do what we farmers do: rip it's horns off, wipe its arse and chuck it on the plate!). Buy it from local butcher-hung and 'blue tinged'-not the tasteless stuff out of supermkts-'frying steak'is dead cheap and ideal. Just experiment-I like to chuck in whatever takes your fancy-raisins,sultanas, prunes, copious amounts of Chilli Peppers-Habanero and 'Bird's Foot' are the best-and a whack of 'Five spice' and dress with Soya. Just sweat the meat up in best virgin oil, spice up to taste, put green veg in, sprouts last-stir, serve, enjoy!! Looks atreat, especially after a couple of bottles of Cabernet. Also, not too heavy on the old tum, so won't interfere with the horizontal polo!
Warming the Bed
I could provide the receipe for bloody mary soup, (the voldka is optional), if required.
Very easy to make, if I can make it anybody can and a very nice taste.
Warming the Bed
I think you ought to stick to egg and chips, which is probably the most popular meal of all time, takes 10 mins to prepare, and then leaves lots of time for the more important things you got together for in the first place! :P :P :P :P
Quote by artificer
The Artificer loves his time in the kitchen..
Why not try something foolproof and simple? 'Stir Fries' offer endless variety and you can't really go wrong. .........{far too long to quote}............not too heavy on the old tum, so won't interfere with the horizontal polo!

I'll second that idea with some gusto. I'll also second his choice of a Cabernet - a nice heavy, dry and full flavoured Sauvignon will get the taste buds working overtime.
Personally I find preparing, cooking and {of course} eating a stir fry to be equally fun. The good thing is that you can tailor it in infinite ways - from the most simple thing to something really good like a green Thai curry. Mine is usually looking to see what I have and improvising from there ! I'd probably just add mange-tout and maybe big juicy prawns to articifers list but he's bang on with his picks.
Basically have a crunchy munch for lunch then wine with a punch !
Set your senses salivating and hope it woks out !
Quote by Carpathian
Mine is usually looking to see what I have and improvising from there ! I'd probably just add mange-tout and maybe big juicy prawns to articifers list but he's bang on with his picks.

Fair enough Butty,
But I did try a prawn shop once:beggars had my watch for ten bob!
And I've never fancied anything 'Mangy'-not even 'touts'.(like my pheasant well hung though. does Lady WA I believe: saw her advertising for a well hung pheasant...or was it peasant??
hey !!! i have dinner sorted!!!! :bounce: and the mrs is sortin out afters!!!! hump that comes later!!! biggrin :D :D :D :D
Quote by funcouple
hey !!! i have dinner sorted!!!!

So, what culinary delight won through then ?
Warming the Bed
Bet it was the egg and chips after all! :P :P :P :P
Well after an hour or so and a half a bottle of wine! hic, hic, I found a recipe for Herb-Marinated chicken with pasta salad. biggrin
had the meal with another bottle of wine :color: . It tasted good and was complimented on it :D. Hey this cooking lark could be fun lol especially sipping wine while doing it. :cheers:
she'll have me doing it naked in an apron next!!!!!!!!!!
I'd avoid frying in that case - just before searing pain takes over you'll think to yourself that couldn't remember cooking sausages earlier..........
hey carpie.... so long as you pick the right recipies.... I have created for a mate in only an apron.... and the appreciation was more than I could have hoped for.....lots of giggles but I insisted that she judge on taste.... the visuals were merely an added extra...... Tip of the week.... tie the apron at the front.... easier for her to undo!!!