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Speed cameras (done again)

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Hi folks hope this post is ok (and dosnt break the rules) I did a quick search to find out if there was a solution to these dreaded machines and would really like to know if anyone on here has used (and found it worked ) the photo reflective spray you use on your number plates , or which camera detector is best in use , I have been caught on static and mobile cameras so the time has come to invest in a little protection ......Steph .....I know I should slow down !!!!
Quote by ladysteph
Hi folks hope this post is ok (and dosnt break the rules) I did a quick search to find out if there was a solution to these dreaded machines !

There is . . . . don't drive too fast in the first place rolleyes
Simple, but effective I find cool lol
apart from the obvious solution of slowing down.....
filthy number plates
broken numberplates
downright illegal numberplates
guaranteed to is slowing down of course.
if you ride a bike, all 3 will be necessary.
once you find out how many people have be caught on cameras that they knew were there you'll understand my reluctance to buy a detector. I believe photo reflective spray is a load of old tosh but would love to be corrected.
Quote by ladysteph
Hi folks hope this post is ok (and dosnt break the rules) I did a quick search to find out if there was a solution to these dreaded machines and would really like to know if anyone on here has used (and found it worked ) the photo reflective spray you use on your number plates , or which camera detector is best in use , I have been caught on static and mobile cameras so the time has come to invest in a little protection ......Steph .....I know I should slow down !!!!

never quite understood why if a sign stays 30..... you have to do over 30
or if a sign says 50... you have to do over 50....
or on a motorways is the national speed limit is 70... why people have to do 85...dunno
contry to popular belief the government only made 22 milion on speed cameras..... which is actually less that for example, simon cowell, pays in tax....
they are put in places for a reason.. so why the need for speed.... you see the warning before the camera.... and it isn't like they hid them, the government actually warn you to where they are on their website!!!!
Watch the news and see the tragic consequences of driving too fast, that might help.
The reflective spray doesn't work.
Dirty number plates does, but that is an offence as well.
Going slower works quite well, never been caught yet.
The idea is this: turn off your radio/cd and look for the speed defining signs. They are the ones with big black numbers on a white background with a red circle on the outer circumference and there will (must) be one EACH SIDE OF THE ROAD where the speed limit starts or changes. There will also be regular "reminder" indicators along that road.
Quote by steph
Sorry but I agree with TJ
Slow down - Live Longer

yup, me too, as stated...slowing down really does work wonders and comes with a guarantee of success.
was just answering the question, certainly not condoning such a despicable crime
the sprays dont work & as said if you have dirty plates or illegal ones the law does tend to come down on you harder confused
some of the sat nav things do offer speed camera detectors but are expensive for good ones that work smile
for anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught :)
some sprays do work BUT if your unlucky enough to be behind a police car with a fixed cam on the dash your getting nicked for not having a legal number plate i think its a £60 fine, your number plate will look blank on the video monitor and your getting a tug straight away.
get a gps system there cheap now or a sat nav
LMFAO....thats real cute.... redface
for anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught
Quote by ladysteph
LMFAO....thats real cute.... redfacefor anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught

sorry couldnt help myself lol :lol:
Quote by lovejoy68
the sprays dont work & as said if you have dirty plates or illegal ones the law does tend to come down on you harder confused
some of the sat nav things do offer speed camera detectors but are expensive for good ones that work smile
for anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught :)

i wouldnt of thought this would be up 2date as they have to notify you within 14 days of being flashed so if you have been caught i would of thought the fine would drop on your door mat before it hits that site sometimes, you can be lucky it may not have a film in just a flash they take 360 shots @ 2 per car unless its digital then the fine is in the post before you say was that me it flashed
go and look at the site dean wink
Quote by lovejoy68
the sprays dont work & as said if you have dirty plates or illegal ones the law does tend to come down on you harder confused
some of the sat nav things do offer speed camera detectors but are expensive for good ones that work smile
for anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught :)

LoveJoy >>>>
Its a Classic example of a police state = I was clocked doing in a 30mph zone and the pic is there to proove it
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
the sprays dont work & as said if you have dirty plates or illegal ones the law does tend to come down on you harder confused
some of the sat nav things do offer speed camera detectors but are expensive for good ones that work smile
for anyone who wants to check if they have been flashed you can go on this link & check it gives you name/password just enter reg no & will even show pic if you have been caught :)

LoveJoy >>>>
Its a Classic example of a police state = I was clocked doing in a 30mph zone and the pic is there to proove it
rotflmao :rotflmao: i wondered who it was in the pic lol
i wondered who it was in the pic
He could have put his head out of the window an used those ears to slow down !!!! lol :lol:
Quote by ladysteph
i wondered who it was in the pic
He could have put his head out of the window an used those ears to slow down !!!! lol :lol:
:laughabove: rotflmao :laughabove: :rotflmao:
Well thats a couple of people off the Invite's list for this year lol
Bloody neck of some. What is the site comming to ???
phredd :love:
Lady Steph, maybe you would do well to invest in one of the camera and radar detectors like the Snooper. biggrin
As for the slightly holier-than-than attitude from some about speeding................come on people! I totally agree with the 30 and 40mph limits through towns and villages, and we abide by them, but on a de-restricted road in open countryside we will go as fast as the road and the conditions allow. The speed limits were set years ago, when vehicles had crap brakes and very few driver has moved on, and so should the upper speed limit.
Quote by Lissa
Lady Steph, maybe you would do well to invest in one of the camera and radar detectors like the Snooper. biggrin
As for the slightly holier-than-than attitude from some about speeding................come on people! I totally agree with the 30 and 40mph limits through towns and villages, and we abide by them, but on a de-restricted road in open countryside we will go as fast as the road and the conditions allow. The speed limits were set years ago, when vehicles had crap brakes and very few driver has moved on, and so should the upper speed limit.

well said lissa i do agree 100% with that smile almost all modern cars come with disc brakes, abs, traction control & air bags just to name a few so yes the speed limit should be upped on motorways & open roads :)
I was caught last night on a 'safety' camera. I was doing about 35mph on what I must assume was a 30mph road. I just don't see why the road is a 30mph limit though - it was just coming out of the country lanes and had a factory on one side of the road, with houses set back from the road a little further down.
The thing I find annoying is that they are called 'safety' cameras - I was driving far more sensibly than some people drive when under the speed limit and there was nobody else about at all, it being about 2am.
Quote by Lissa
Lady Steph, maybe you would do well to invest in one of the camera and radar detectors like the Snooper. biggrin
As for the slightly holier-than-than attitude from some about speeding................come on people! I totally agree with the 30 and 40mph limits through towns and villages, and we abide by them, but on a de-restricted road in open countryside we will go as fast as the road and the conditions allow. The speed limits were set years ago, when vehicles had crap brakes and very few driver has moved on, and so should the upper speed limit.

Yep :D
I agree with all that, but if its a built up area, I am happy to pootle along at 20 - 30 mph. I think those that race past schools etc, should be prosecuted, and possibly banned.
Out on the open road, game on as far as I am concerned :D If the conditions are suitable, most modern cars / motorbikes are far in advance of the speed / braking distances that are quoted in the Highway Code etc, and Policemen I have spoken to, share this opinion.
If speed enforcement is to be applied, it should be a level playing field for all, and not let off police officers, or Royalty etc that may happen to be travelling at 110 mph.
As for the sprays, or plexi glass methods of avoiding cameras photographing your plate, as said, they dont work. Mud is the cheapest option :D
Road Angels are very good, but very expensive.
Failing that, I think a shotgun will stop most cameras taking a pic lol
There are sites on the net, that have some very interesting information about how not to get fined innocent
I'm not advocating braking the law, but it increasingly seems, some laws only apply to the common person sad
Easy way round it Steph - just dont go over the speed limit - and you'll save £'s in Fines, loads of points on yr licence and even more £'s on buying and applying the so-called reflective paint/spray that stops yr licence plate being photographed (doesn't work anyway bu the guy is making a mint) - - - - - - -- I'm not being a meanie or morose or a do-gooder, just sensible driving. Its what we do on here isn't it - watch out for what can go wrong and ensure we dont put ourselves at risk. ? Cheers
we used a snooper as we both got caught speeding but not no more thanks to this item
Paint doesn't work........... the number can be read of the pictures' negative, most detectors are already illegal, GPS will only tell you where static sites are, not the mobile ones........
If you speed then pay attention to what is going on around you........ If yer get caught tough titty......... we all do eventually smile
Quote by lovejoy68
Lady Steph, maybe you would do well to invest in one of the camera and radar detectors like the Snooper. biggrin
As for the slightly holier-than-than attitude from some about speeding................come on people! I totally agree with the 30 and 40mph limits through towns and villages, and we abide by them, but on a de-restricted road in open countryside we will go as fast as the road and the conditions allow. The speed limits were set years ago, when vehicles had crap brakes and very few driver has moved on, and so should the upper speed limit.

well said lissa i do agree 100% with that smile almost all modern cars come with disc brakes, abs, traction control & air bags just to name a few so yes the speed limit should be upped on motorways & open roads :)
Unfourtunatly, whilst the cars have undoubtably improved, many drivers brains seem to have deteriorated! Seriously, there are a number of drivers who are so pre-occupied with getting to their next meeting or whatever, that they need to be reminded what they should be driving.
Another solution, totally legal, drive flat out all day long, never break a speed limit, even the 20 mph ones, even run your vehicle on fuel at 35 pence a litre, whow do you do this?
Drive a tractor lol :lol: :lol:
Well I shall consider my botty well n truly slapped for the speeding issue , in both cases tho I was only slightly over the speed limit ....47 the first time and I think (yet to be confirmed) 49 this time ......In my defense I have been driving for 26 yrs in the UK and extensivly abroad and never had an accident , so would consider myself a careful and considerate driver , very paitient too (dont even know where the horn is) but my car happens to see a sneeze as 10 mph and misbehaves badly on occasion.....guess Id better not say what it did on the M6 toll road...........So thanks for all your comments and advice (humor ,wit, sarcasm etc) I will try to behave in future (cant afford not to now)
but I do think the 'safety cameras' are in most cases no more than revenue collectors.............Steph
I just dont speed in built up areas- but have been known to suffer from a heavy right foot on the motorways.
My biggest driving gripe is the wankers who tailgate- esp. in lorries or at speed.
If I want you up my arse i'll post on S.H- AND PASS YOU A CONDOM!
Quote by ladysteph
, (dont even know where the horn is) Steph
what you doing on here then lol :lol:
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
, (dont even know where the horn is) Steph
what you doing on here then lol :lol: Learning !!!!! :lol: :lol: