There are many reasons for less than standard English. Including Dyslexia (what a bloody name for the condition!!), poor education opportunities and others.
When I suspect it is a) laziness or b) disregard for the reader's experience it puts me off. I interpret the writer's attitude from the writing - I have to, it's all I have to go on. I generally assume the conversational ability is on a par with the prose ability - less the spelling in that case and more the content etc. And, yes, it IS judging people by what they write - why not? There are people on here that judge my by the size of my tits.
i Have too argree incorrectly grammatical sentences and the lack off punctuation awe won of the greatest problems facing the werld twoday personally outy and shoot i would take them
It is a shame, for those like myself, that failed their education it leads to insecurities that hinder you in life. I don't always spell correctly nor do I always use punctuation, as I am not sure where to add it.
I was told by my teachers when leaving school that I was thick and stupid and I would achieve nothing with my life.
I am not about to make excuses nor apologise for my failings in being able to communicate with you about correct grammar or my non punctuation in my writing.
I would just like to say until finding this site and I came here originally to communicate with like minded liberated people but what it also gave me was confidence to write in the written form. Before coming here I never had the confidence in my written ability and always felt I would be judged.
Luckily for me in life there have always been people around rather than be critical have offered help, guidance and support.
One might be able to write a good script which can be admired, but can we learn from that if in fact that person is intelligent or not?
I do however agree that text talk is somewhat frustrating as I have not a clue what is being said.
But I think to be critical of grammar and punctuation and to judge a person on that, you might find there are some very interesting minded people in life that you might be over looking.
I shall leave you with a quote from Yeats
"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people".
As a reasonably educated person, particularly in languages and the written word, I recognize what you say. However, I guess like many peeps (lol) on here, I am a people person and so I have worked out that some very nice people aren't as comfortable with writing as others. We are from all walks of life on here. I really think I need to be tolerant of differing abilities. Because I need that of other people too. Yes of course I am George Clooney / Super Stud combined lol. Maybe in reality whilst my grammar is really good I don't compare so favourably physically with youger men. Eroticism isn't just physical (thank You, God!!!!) it also requires imagination, attention to detail, consideration and another 1001 human skills. OK I accept the physical is a big part of it and I think I'm OK with that. But I also think that if you are intelligent you can achieve a great deal. I'm sorry but slagging off other people for not meeting your own grammar standards doesn't wash here. Maybe on a Correctness of Language site I grant you.
I also note that you weren't aggressive in what you said. I hope you understand I am not being nasty in my reply. I applaud you for raising the subject. But I have to accept how people are, especially on this site and, in all honesty, if I am not looking for a penpal but someone to enjoy sex with (or should that have been with whom to enjoy sex?). lol sic. lol again.
Language and its rules evolve. This is probably the time in which it is chaniging faster than ever. The media and technical explosion are the cause. You and me are caught by our age. We appreciate good grammar and precise language. But we are humans too and to exclude people because they don't meet our exacting linguistic standards is, IMOH (lol), wrong.
Yours, very humbly (cos I've been wrong before),
Mick x x x
The one thing that does kind of grate on me is the lack of learning. So many years of being on the net and being net heavy has improved at least some of my spelling and grammar if not all of it. I have noted many members who continually spell simple words incorrectly in the most obvious fashion. It does make me think can you not see that you are spelling that wrong five bloody times over when its written on the page correctly ten other times.
I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt!
long as the can give me there phone no. who cares......
Carnt bee bovvered two repliee..........
D'you know, I was having a similar convo with a friend who was taught English in India only last night. I think we decided a return to discrete grammar teaching would probably be beneficial. Dull, but beneficial.