Got up this morning to find a little red "money spider" on my monitor. At first I thought he was dead but now hes started weaving his web.
We all know thses spiders are suppose to be lucky so anyone know how I encourage him to stay. Should I buy him a bar of chocolate or something?
Hes very cute but he keeps stopping, does that mean hes tired?
No no choccy
Try flys
Put it inside your jeans
Hes moved to the door handle,(he flew about a metre across the room) does that mean hes trying to leave me?Sob Sob
Hes left me!! Dissapeared off the face of the earth, unless hes in the carpet!!
Im distraught, deverstated, my life will never be the same, he was such a gorgeous colour :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Dont worry foxy hes probably just gone off for a spideynap after all that web making :idea: