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Spring Is Here

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woken up again at Love it when the clocks change. Because I have become a slob at night with being on SH go to do washing up to find whole kitchen covered in ants. "O...Kay" I think "I can handle this" as I get through a whole roll of toilet paper(nearest thing to hand) to clean away ants after boiling them.
"Hum hum oh what a lovely morning" as I go to put washing in tumble dryer. Stop myself stepping on dead mouse at doorstep "F**K" cats". Mumbling now to myself as I use more toilet roll (still at hand) to put mouse in bin. I walk out to the garage to put washing in tumble dryer to find the dead carcases of 2 rabbits which I then have to dispose of!!!!
Oh Spring in here and the daily presents from the cats are just beginning to arrive.
Sex God
Corrie I notice you are also from Warwickshire. Is it a local ant epidemic do you suppose?
I have used boiling water ,Nippon both liquid and powder, and anything I can think of but still the little b@st@rds persist
Best method I have found so far is to ignite them with a blow torch but this is causing some peripheral damage
Spring is here. You can tell because its cold and wet :cry:
Summer thats what we need lol
Yes we get them as well, If there is a lot they get sucked up in the vacum cleane.
If there is a few I squash them but let one escape to return to his troops and warn them about the giant index finger :taz:
corrie sweetheart..... i am slightly concerned,
now u have used all your toilet roll to clean away the dead things........what are you going to wipe your bum with???!!!!!!!
confused :twisted: :twisted: :?
Ooooohhhhhh spring is here,its still raining loads though.
I think of spring and im getting cravings for roast Lamb and mint hungry.
I think there must be an infestation of ants as I seem to have killed millions with every device to hand. Well busty babe I always have toilet roll to hand and have never been known to run out. Enough to last a month but thanks for worrying lol lol
Lamb and mint sauce - suddenly I am hungry!!!!!! Sorry lambs but your are my favourite
We get infested with the little blighters every year. I tend to 'put up with them', in accordance with the old Artificer's policy of 'live and let live'. They arrive now, no matter how we try to keep them out, and disappear just as quicly in mid-summer. I've watched, in fascination, the way their little scouts crawl around and then find a way in. They really are amazing little creatures .
I tend not to 'zap' any creatures, big or small, they all have a life to live and it's amazing how by leaving them alone, Nature balances the job up, and everything is kept under reasonable control. The only time I interfere is when ants invade the greenhouses-they'll make a mess of pot ted stuff in no time, and then hot water is all I use. I also have to step in when rats get too established-even then I tend to use traps (immediate death) and not poison. Sometimes it's hard to keep with an 'organic' philosophy, especially when the aphids are decimating your crops. But, the strongest pesticide I use is soft-soap, and it is marvellous to see the hoverflies, lacewings,ladybirds, dragonflies, birds, ground beetles and bats doing my pest control for me, while the 'chemical lovers' in the village admire their striped (barren) lawns and lifeless, soulless, nature free borders.
I know which I feel comfortable with.....
Quote by willing but nervous
my son had left a glass of cock on the floor. it had attracted the ants.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Master of Sex
i ment COKE. redface
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
It's ok - not good form to pick up on a simple typo - we all do it.
But just how could I resist?
:grin: rotflmao :grin:
Come down this morning no ants why? because I cleaned kitchen last night!!!! I agree Arti live and let live and JudyTV I havent found anything but boiling water works but I would love to know where ants nest is. What I do know is although I hate cleaning it does the trick and I will now make sure none of my kids leave COCK around oh sorry COKE sorry just couldnt resist either that just made me laugh on this gorgeous holidaymorning. lol
Up early to pack as going on hols with my best firend and her kids for a week tommorrow to beautiful Cornwall. Yipee!!!!!!!! biggrin
It is absolutly gorgeous here this morning lovely sunny morning (no ants) covered in frost and not a cloud in the sky....and so peaceful..
Quote by tds
It is absolutly gorgeous here this morning lovely sunny morning (no ants) covered in frost and not a cloud in the sky....and so peaceful..

Used to live in Cambridge tds great memories of punting when I was a kid.
Cambridge is the enemy in this house (in football terms) :twisted:
i am at the north end of the county...
but shhhh dont tell anybody i do like Cambridge as a place
Master of Sex
im never going to live that one down,
To locate an Ants nest simply put a small pile of sugar (a pinch is enough) on the floor or other location where they are seen. Some of it will be eaten immediately but some will be carried away to their nest. Simply follow these ants and eventually you will trace their nests. The grains of sugar are carried in their jaws and should be visible, unless you are in urgent need of glasses.
Similarly, Wasps nests can be located by putting out some finely shredded white fish about the size of a grain of rice. These will be picked up by the wasps. Simply follow them till you loose sight of them, then wait for a few minutes and another will pass, keep following them, eventually you will find the nest site. The small pieces of fish are readily visible and so are easily tracked.
I wish I could find an accomodating female as easily as I can find Wasps and Ants nests. lol
Both Ants and Wasps can be of great assistance to gardeners by removing numerous pests.
Well said Harry: you beat me to it. That's exactly how you find the nests. Im amazed at how often they are outside the premises, the convoys of organised little workers being fascinating. My big weakness is honey-I eat gallons of the stuff -only local mind, (just call me Winnie) and I have to put each jar inside a big kiliner jar, else it's smothered by morning. (They don't alter the flavour much, just add a bit of crunchy protein!).
I tend to leave wasps alone, but we had to act a couple of times when some nasty beggars arrived. I found where they were landing to 'scrape' at wood-on an old shed in this case-to get materials for their nest. It was easy, as Harry said, to then follow them , a few steps at a time, and find nest.
And an appeal! Please don't kill everything because it's a creepy-crawly. As I've said before, nature balances itself out. I recentlysaw the caterpillar of an Elephant hawkmoth get bludgeoned to death by a worried looks quite scary, can 'inflate itself, and has scary 'false eyes'. It's harmless ,and fascinating. Likewise, I've seen Ladybird larvae being sprayed by terrified gardeners-they are just about the most helpful thing to have in a garden. So, if in doubt, don't spray-look it up and see what it is, it may be helpful. Srays are indiscriminate and kill good and bad. Problems in gardens occur when the 'balance' tips the wrong way. PM me if you have queries.
sermon over!