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ok. This is probably the entirly wrong place to squeel about this and everything, but I am going to anyway.
Marc Almond is playing in my town in June.
Now, since I absolutely adore Marc and thought i would never see him again after his bike accident, I am, naturally, over excited.
I have no idea what to wear. This is a big occasion to me. Normally, I would just wear whateve fell onto me, and make sure my make-up matched my outfit.
But I need to make an effort, here. Marc may SEE me and possibly fall in love with me or something, so I have to look groovy and hot as sin. Thing is, I have been experimenting with hair cuts and not dyeing my hair so that I can see how grey I really am, and stuff of that ilk, and I feel I am looking pretty crappy of late... but my experiment is not over yet - I do not have a full head of natural coloured hair yet, and won't unless I get a really short cut.
But how, then, can I get to my goal of seeing what I look like without black hair dye, and merge this with dressing up to see Marc - who _will_ spot me in the crowd and fall hopelessly in love with me so long as I look as groovy as all hell?
It' a bit of a conundrum, this...
Aren't you a goth type anymore, then? lol
Why do you want to see how grey you really are - that's just depressing. I cant really remember what you looked like, but I seem to recall thinking you were a pretty cool dude - I'm sure he'll sillyhwoar: you whatever you wear xxx
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
One hell of a conundrum you got there :shock:
Firstly - I thought "Squee" was a groovy trendy word that I hadn't heard of. confused
Only came into the thread to learn about Squees, so I could talk about em tomorrow and impress the hell outta my daughter cool Rather than having the usual look of self sympathy cos she thinks she's got the frumpiest untrendiest mother in the world rolleyes I've told her I'm groovy, hell I even danced to one of her rackets songs to show her I can move with the best of em!!
Anyway, back onto the subject :?
How about a really big hat? :smile2:
That way, with a big enough hat, you'll not only be eye catching to Marc soon to be GothicPunkMarc, but you'll have your grey au naturel hair covered up biggrin
Word of warning tho, make sure you're not standing directly in front of a really big beefy fan, while wearing said hat. In fact, so's not to pee anyone off, you might have to stand at the back :undecided:
So it's gonna have to be a really really mega hat for this to work and catch Marcs eye! :undecided:
Good luck 8-) :thumbup:
Not sure Marc has any really big beefy fans...
If you would like a definition of that word, there is a comic book by jhonen vasquez called Squee I can recommend - sure to make any teen who hasn't read it feel left out - but it may be a trifle, um... sick.
I do like to panic about what to wear and stuff - and I don't have a ton of grey hair but my natural colour is kind of dirty blonde to shit-house rat (as opposed to mousey) brown, so it's quite a big change from my usual utterly unnatural black, which is probably why I am taking the change so much to heart :>
As for a big hat - i _could_ do that, but then everyone would just think I was a shorter and skinnier version of boy george...
Quote by Gothic-punk
so it's quite a big change from my usual utterly unnatural black, which is probably why I am taking the change so much to heart :>

Urgh, tell me about it. Daughter was not impressed when I turned her unnatural jet black to a vibrant orange, when she specifically asked for platinum blonde rolleyes
She's now shot streaks of shocking pink through her extensions ......... if I knew she was gonna do that, I would've told her to stay bluddy orange and save all the palava of getting it to blonde :roll:
Quote by Gothic-punk
As for a big hat - i _could_ do that, but then everyone would just think I was a shorter and skinnier version of boy george...

Hmmmm good point confused
How about a really big tall hat with little levers on that you can pull at intervals to really catch his eye biggrin
Pull one lever and a packet of almonds pops up - to show your enthusiasm :D
Was gonna say pull the other lever and a pint of ummmm 'stuff' :sticky: is displayed :? But maybe a better substitute would be preferred :? Ummmmm not sure what tho, don't know the guys likes and dislikes very well :?
Any ideas for lever 2 then? dunno
You are in luck...
I've recently been saving up my pube clipping especially for Missy's birthday present (belated though by a few... er... months, but it's the thought that counts. At least that's what I was assured. Anyway, I digress).
I was going to dye it a lovely colour and fashion it into a mini sculpture for her lovely knitted rockery, but I figured this is a more worthy cause.
Afterall you have to make an impression on Marc, not everyday you get to wow him. Although, on second thoughts, I think everyone in the stadium will want one of my home made beautiful heart shaped wigs for their hat levers or if you're not feeling that hatty stick to the normal ways of wearing...

All you need to do is shave your locks off and stick this imaculately heart shaped pube weave onto your baldiness and hey presto, INSTANT pulling power.
Not promising what kind you might pull, but fair chance it'll be a bit of an animal. smile lol ;)
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh Gem kiss
Gothic-punk, I can vouch for this ..... the cheeky mare got me one a while ago :shock:
So if the tall hat with levers seems like too much hard work to knock up, then as Gem says, shave off your locks, slap her novelty heart pubic wig on, and hey presto, sex god extraordinaire(y):hunk:
You won't fail to impress :thumbup: Or at the very least, get stared at :lol2:
Plus, you'll have the advantage of the hair regrowth being your natural colour cool
Quote by Missy
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh Gem kiss
Gothic-punk, I can vouch for this ..... the cheeky mare got me one a while ago :shock:
So if the tall hat with levers seems like too much hard work to knock up, then as Gem says, shave off your locks, slap her novelty heart pubic wig on, and hey presto, sex god extraordinaire(y):hunk:
You won't fail to impress :thumbup: Or at the very least, get stared at :lol2:
Plus, you'll have the advantage of the hair regrowth being your natural colour cool

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
As long as you don't try and bleach it and turn it orange!!
You two are priceless!!
I just had a peek at those Squee! images... me likie!
as for pubic hair collection, knitted rockeries and hursute hearts :shock: what world of madness have I stumbled into this evening?
Actually, now you mention it choon, I did experiment first on several members of the feline fraternity, but they were slightly huffy. I would have said the animal beginning with H, but lets not mention chicken testing in today's current climate, not very pc nor animal friendly of me. ;)
So, I borrowed a very good book from ... someone...
*taps nose knowingly*
Yet another top secret bit of information I'm afraid.

So, while I'd love to help... with trying to bleach the hat, I think I best decline this time. smile
OMG rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And them birds looked similar to the common garden sparrow before Gem lost her merkin :shock:
missy? sorry sweetie, but having read up on your cunning plan several times, just to make sure that i actually understood it, i have to admit i can see the teensiest, weensiest flaw or two in it? confused be honest now? big hats just ain't gonna work are they? lever or no? :?
gothic? first off . . . don't you ever mention the r*t word in my presence again, ok? evil specially not the shit 'ouse variety. them's the worst kind of all them is. sat there all nice and comfy, reading yer Guardian or yer Nuts or whatever, big shit house r*t pops up between yer legs. not what you're looking for in an ideal world is it?
i'm gonna let it go this time, cos i know you don't understand what you just did, and i'm trying to be helpful. you know now, so moving swiftly on.
i hate to do this to her, i really do, but that missy is clearly trying to make a laughing stock of you mate. not to be trusted that one. luckily, you can rely on me to give it to you straight! :smug:
what she neglected to tell you is that her particular merkin came complete with fairy lights, lovingly sewn into a discarded pile of pubes by gem's very own fair hand. now obviously . . . the good thing about fairy lights, and this is the clever bit, as i'm sure you'll agree, is that they are rather noticeable in darkened concert auditoriums.
there's no way on this earth that marc could fail to notice a pile of pubes, in a kind of heart shape, nestling on yer forehead, with a shitload of fairy lights on 'em, is there now? eh? see where i'm coming from on this? smile
can't say as he's gonna be all that impressed like, but you wanna get noticed right? trust me . . . you're gonna get noticed fella! marriage and all that? uummm . . . . you might have yer work cut out on that score, but hey, best we can do i reckon? take it or leave it?
neil x x x ;)
You lot are cruel!
Gothic - get some wash in/wash out stuff for your hair. Boots do some gel in a tube for about 4 quid - comes in a variety of groovy colours and works like gel too to stick your hair up all over if you wish.
We've got shocking pink if you want a borrow?
What to wear, what to wear? Well, I never feel happy unless I've got summat new so that's your first job - go hunting for something that's not necessarily flashy or will make you stand out - but something that really suits you. The best outfits are the ones that fit perfectly and suit your physique.
Classy understatement is far better than OTT look-at-me.
And boots. Boots are a necessity.
Oh, and try not to look desperate - it's very unattractive.
That is all.
Quote by Marya_Northeast
You lot are cruel!
Gothic - get some wash in/wash out stuff for your hair. Boots do some gel in a tube for about 4 quid - comes in a variety of groovy colours and works like gel too to stick your hair up all over if you wish.
We've got shocking pink if you want a borrow?

Yup, thats what I was going to suggest.
Or, if you don't want to risk the washy out colour staining your hair a bit, what about getting dread fall extensions or PVC hair wraps (covering your natural hair) and going for a more Cyber-Goth look??
Les x