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Stag / Hen Night Ideas

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We really need some help Mrs Shikukai is going away for a Hen weekend and I'm away the following weekend on the Stag Do....
What we need is Prank ideas and drinking games and forfeits etc... :twisted:
Your responses to Claire's weekend first would be greatly appreciated as she goes away this Friday morning bolt
Come on people, most of you must have had some Hen/Stag do's and can give us some ideas....PLEEEEAAASSSEE
Bananna, whipped cream, well placed strawberry and stand em on a chair to eat it infront of the entire resteraunt... oldie but goodie.
Cousin had a great time with a TShirt from somewhere covered in 100 things to do, she acheived most of them :twisted:
Quote by tallnhairy
Bananna, whipped cream, well placed strawberry and stand em on a chair to eat it infront of the entire resteraunt... oldie but goodie.
Cousin had a great time with a TShirt from somewhere covered in 100 things to do, she acheived most of them :twisted:

Have a look in Ann Summers if you get time, im sure they have a t-shirt in there that has a list of tasks they have to accomplish printed on it, if not, just make up your own..such as, get a guy to buy u a drink, snog a guy (easy one), get a guy to give you his pants...etc :twisted: lol
Quote by Shikukai
We really need some help Mrs Shikukai is going away for a Hen weekend and I'm away the following weekend on the Stag Do....
What we need is Prank ideas and drinking games and forfeits etc... :twisted:
Your responses to Claire's weekend first would be greatly appreciated as she goes away this Friday morning bolt

hay baby, if you go into anne summers there are quite a few ideas u could get plus you can get games and outfits and stuff from there hunni!!!!!
will email you soon take care you too and enjoy your weekends babes
will miss ya
Thanks girls... As Claire now wont be back until Monday, how about some guy practical jokes for stag-go
the only thing to do is to be stripped and hand cuff to a lampost then shave your eye brows :giggle:
Depends where your going for the stag do...if its blackpool get him a wedding dress and make him wear it or just dress him as a woman veil n all
make a list of things to do for the night
ie snog a granny
get a pair of knickers etc
or next woman throught the pub door youve got to go n snog em
hope that helps
I did that to my mate
Made him wear some big granny knickers with the arse bit cut out of them
and gave his best man some Lippy to lipstick him in every pub
he had a grin like a clown at the end of the day Goodstyle !! lol
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:
Quote by teppic
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:

Now tell us you didn't enjoy it? lol
Quote by freckledbird
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:

Now tell us you didn't enjoy it? lol if i would say that, i just wish they had baby oiled me as well.... :twisted:
Quote by teppic
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:

Now tell us you didn't enjoy it? lol if i would say that, i just wish they had baby oiled me as well.... :twisted:
The ones who stripped you, or the kind people who set you free? :lol:
Quote by freckledbird
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:

Now tell us you didn't enjoy it? lol if i would say that, i just wish they had baby oiled me as well.... :twisted:
The ones who stripped you, or the kind people who set you free? :lol: noy you all may have heard.... :twisted:
Quote by teppic
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:

Now tell us you didn't enjoy it? lol if i would say that, i just wish they had baby oiled me as well.... :twisted:
The ones who stripped you, or the kind people who set you free? :lol: noy you all may have heard.... :twisted:
Well, wasn't going to say that...... :lol:
Quote by freckledbird
well, i was stripped naked, then cling filmed to a lamp post in the centre of brighton, and if it wasn't for a kind group of people, i would probebly still be there today. :shock:

Now tell us you didn't enjoy it? lol if i would say that, i just wish they had baby oiled me as well.... :twisted:
The ones who stripped you, or the kind people who set you free? :lol: noy you all may have heard.... :twisted:
Well, wasn't going to say that...... :lol:
ooooooooh you fibber :lol:
We did Amsterdam for my Stag-do, so we didn't want to do that again, I thought Prague but no one was up for that.. God knows how we got to go on a golfing stag-do in Spain.. Half the group dont even play golf...!!!!
I'm going as a Vicar to the airport as heard you get a free upgrade on airlines if seats are available.. Plus its got to be lucky to have a man of the cloth aboard?? I'll let everyone know if I get any freebies. wink
I was thinking of rounding up some local dogs over there, as there always seems to be some about... Then cuffing the groom to a lamp post and putting honey around his arse and genitals... and letting the dogs lick it off... but Claire thought that may be going a little to far.... I mean some of these dogs are starving and they might not just lick... they might like to have a chomp??? :twisted:
Another one is to bolt his hands to a Metal bar and force feed him laxatives, ie cant wipe his arse
Seen this done to a guy in blackpool !
Funny as fuck!
Still the laxatives could be fun and wont have a long lasting effect?? lol
He wouldn't know if it was the beer or take aways??? Giving him the shits Hmmm one to contemplate that :twisted: :twisted:
I was with another Stag do
It was some Goedies who'ed done it to their mate !!
Theyed dressed him in all gimp gear too with zipped mask !
Nope, really not a good idea.
Laxitives are a drug and can different effects on different people.
It could be pretty dangerous, especially with the added dehydration from the alcohol.
Try to keep them non dangerous please.
Already had this convo with Steph through PM's.. Thanks for the info again though.. It's not something we're gonna do and the liquid Viagra went the same way.. You just dont know the effects it could have... Possibly none, but not worth the risk...
I'd rather be calling the Bride to be saying her Grooms leg hairs gone, than trying to explain exactly why he's in causulty
i still think naked + clingfilm + baby oil + lamp post is a good idea....i did at the time, and no i was not drunk,