Quote by anais
As a new member I was surprised at the number of times self appointed guardians of the forum took it upon themselves to monitor posts where there is a chance of a confrontation. Anything that could be regarded as worth a verbal punch up is generally highlighted immediately.
Previous posts are investigated and questions posed to the offending poster. I know that I am not the only person that feels that there is a system in place that does not positively encourage new members. I know that precautions have to be taken but I feel a balance should be reached, you can be too defensive.
I have only been here a very short time and in fairness didn't understand the swinging scene or the people involved in it. I have learned enough to know that I will not find what I am looking for here though appreciate the pleasure that this community offers some.
So, I’ll get me coat. Do not condemn the judgement of others because it differs from your own. You might both be wrong.
I do think he has a point here.
The number of threads I go through that turn a little nasty or confrontational are quite shockingly high.
Its more than just a difference of opinion SOMETIMES, and the times that it is, it is USUALLY the same people doing the dissection of the post.
People have different opinions and that is great, it is what makes us individuals and keeps things interesting, though I do think (IMHO) there are a few people who use that little word "INTERPRETATION" to their own advantage to justify having a "sly dig".
I didn't see anything wrong in his original post really.
Keep posting Eltigre :thumbup:
I agree with your all your posts here Srne.... :smile:
Eltigre, keep with the programme, it can/does get better :smile:
I agree to a certain degree with SRNE but what you can't see are the nasty PM's which are very much uncalled for.