Anyone seen the new star wars film?
Its absolutley amazing what a way to end the saga for now!
The complete 6 film saga was all about Vader and as he dies in episode 6..Thats it.. So no more star Wars set in that time period at least.. George Lucas also said no more films, though he is still in discussion on the Star Wars T.V. shows.. I believe once the new War of the Worlds film is over for him and Spielburg, they are going to work on Indiana Jones 4, then George may go back to the Star Wars T.V. Project...
George also mentioned in an interview that he may hand the Star Wars reigns over to someone else?
i think there will be 1 or 2 more films. The studios wont be able to resist the amount of money it makes. though it will be george that pockets it i suppose
more starwars more starwars
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I thought it was a brill film..............
But where were the daleks ????
george lucas should carry on with more films
ive read loads of books with luke and the rest of the gang that carries on for years after the books
han and leia get married have kids one called anakin
emporers clone converts luke to dark side who then kills emporer and comes back to light side
loads of stories about how rogue squadron helps to destroy remnants of the empire
who else would like to see these
liea and han have 3 kids = jacen,jania, and anakin
luke meets mara jade = has a boy called Ben
Chewie Gets Killed
Anakin gets killed.
A jedi school is opened
Exar Kun and The Vosuung Vong arrive.
<< sad bastard i am
I think that with all the advances made in CGI and Digital transferes etc, it might be interesting to do "Shadows of the Empire" and CGI in all the old characters into it....
I was impressed how they added a younger Peter Cushing (Tarkin) into the latest movie at the end.
Perhaps make Shadows of the Empire with all live action characters and environments but with the exception of the old faces such as Luke, Han etc... Just add them in digitally?
A few films have declared the end to the series.
It almost unthinkable if Heinz said baked beans would be terminated, etc.
Right hopfully he can concentrate on the next Indy movie!.......just so long as he doesn't direct it!!
I do believe theirs actually two TV series in production... Ones live action and the other a 3D Animation, perhaps Pixar will pick up that project seeing as it was once Lucas Company?
Also forgot to mention the Carton Network- Clone Wars Season 2 is now underway and each episode will be considerably longer than the Season 1 shows (3 mins each). I myself am not a big fan of this kind of animation but it did fill in some details as to General Grievous prior to Episode 3.
I was actually looking for an interview on Indy 4 that Lucas had just before the Episode 3 Prem.. and I came across all this stuff...
I've included the Indy interview below if your interested?, though cant remember the site I got it from? As just copied it and mailed it to a friend.
And what's the status of the new Indiana Jones?
Lucas: "I talked to Steven while I was in Hawaii, and he said the script is done and he was going to send it to me when I got back, which was yesterday. It isn't on my desk today and he's coming up tomorrow to see Star Wars, so I assume he'll bring it with him."
You guys do well when you collaborate in Hawaii. Things tend to work out there.
Lucas: "Yeah. We're frantically trying to finish War of the Worlds at the same time. We'll see. I look forward to reading it and seeing if it's what we laid out in the first place. You never know."
Is there anything we can reveal about it?
Lucas: "It's...um...No."
You had an idea of what was planned before they wrote the script?
Lucas: "Oh yeah. I came up with this idea doing Young Indy, which has got to be about seven or eight years ago, and we've been through a number of scripts--six or eight scripts. Six scripts, two rewrites. So it's been down the path. There were certain aspects of it that Steven and Harrison didn't like, and so we changed those, and then we laid out a version and it didn't come out the way it was supposed to, and then we did another version and it didn't come out, so we've just been going through this development hell, which happens once in a while. We'll see. When it comes out, it'll be different. Different, but the same."
And Harrison's staying in shape all this time, right, in case he has to take his shirt off?
Lucas: "No, he's plays an older person in this."
Is it true that there may be a younger person in this, poised to take over?
Lucas: "It's possible. Not really to take over."
But someone to create new movies with?
Lucas: "No, it wasn't meant to be that way. But I guess that's a possibility. It's really to wrap it up. Just desperately trying to put things together that work. You need characters to make the film work. It's not just an adventure story. There's actually got to be human relationships in it."
Are you still planning on bringing back some of the other characters from the previous films?
Lucas: "Yeah."
Can you say who?
Lucas: "No."
Mrs. Spielberg, perhaps?
Lucas: "Well, there are a lot of rumors out there. Some of them are true. True-ish."
you could try the rogue squadron series
or even the thrawn series
it may not be called the thrawn series but it features a character called grand admiral thrawn
also the is a series about the black fleet
as if he hasnt made enough money yet