just a little one here but why oh why do the stars insist on giving there kids silly names that they have to live with all there lifes, the latest one heared of is chris martin from cold play and his wife gwyneth paltrow named there son moses ??????.
I should imagine that the School that Moses will go to, will have other Stars children there too
so his name would be normal to them
romeo is david bechams kid nn
But then it could work the other way round. Some guy once named a car after his daughter and now it sounds odd as a name.
Jesus (pronounced heyzus) is a common Spanish/South American name. My mate at work got a Christmas card from a business contact in S America called Jesus.
His kids were well impressed!!!!
My comment is entirely irrelevant.
I have known two or three Spanish guys with the name Jesus. Do you know the names of his brothers (the original Jesus I mean)? Or his sisters?
Now what sex is River Phoenix? And there are lots of others. That Tiger Lily whatever and others seem to have been taken from seed catalogues.
What happened to good old Andrew and Margaret and David etc.
Or even Mollie?
I like being called Mollie. Moll Flanders. Gansters' Molls. When I was a child I knew a cat called Mollie. But right now I only know one Mollie. Me. There is a Molly here. Could we form a Mollie (Molly) club?
Mollie x x x