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stars and kids names

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just a little one here but why oh why do the stars insist on giving there kids silly names that they have to live with all there lifes, the latest one heared of is chris martin from cold play and his wife gwyneth paltrow named there son moses ??????.
Quote by fantasycpl
just a little one here but why oh why do the stars insist on giving there kids silly names that they have to live with all there lifes, the latest one heared of is chris martin from cold play and his wife gwyneth paltrow named there son moses ??????.

There was a rather well-known chap called Moses some years ago. I'm sure his mum didn't think it a strange name.
Just imagine Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, sitting there now saying, 'I wonder why people call their children such ordinary names when they could be a little more imaginative?'
yes suppose so but would u like to go to school with a name like that with the kids taking the micky out of u all the time, yes kids are wonderfull but also can be very subjegtive at times without knowing it confused
Quote by fantasycpl
yes suppose so but would u like to go to school with a name like that with the kids taking the micky out of u all the time, yes kids are wonderfull but also can be very subjegtive at times without knowing it confused

Kids take the micky for all sorts of reasons - having a normal name doesn't mean they won't get taken the piss out of.
What do you mean by 'can be very subjegtive' ?
Well they called haved called him Jesus! lol
now that would be the god of all p**s taking lol :lol: :lol:
I should imagine that the School that Moses will go to, will have other Stars children there too
so his name would be normal to them
over the yrs there have been many bizarre names given to celebrity offsprings non more so than the late paula yates how did she come up with hevenly hirrara tiger lilly dunno if thats spelt right loon and also fifi trixabell sounds like a name for a poodle rotflmao :rotflmao: .if thats not whacky enough u can name ya kids by the oh so popular moon unit :shock: as the late frank zappa did .
sorry but romeo's got to be the best in silly names stars give their kids, that poor kids gunna get bullied all his school 4 that 1 and i don't care who his dad is lol
I think they do it to make their kids names stand out
romeo is david bechams kid nn
But then it could work the other way round. Some guy once named a car after his daughter and now it sounds odd as a name.
Quote by freckledbird
having a normal name doesn't mean they won't get taken the piss out of.

That's right. Names don't come much more ordinary than mine, and kids at school still managed to turn it into a taunt. Even one who had the same name.
There were a few names at school that might be considered unusual (looking back at them now), but my memory is that we didn't consider them odd at all. This person has this name, and that's how it is. A word that is used every day doesn't feel strange.
Frank Zappa's daughter still uses the name Moon. It doesn't seem to have done her any harm. And how many thousands of Hispanic parents call their sons Jesus? That's not considered even slightly unusual.
I'd say that children of celebrities have more to worry about their parents' fame than their own names. And I doubt if that's much of a worry.
Quote by fantasycpl
just a little one here but why oh why do the stars insist on giving there kids silly names that they have to live with all there lifes, the latest one heared of is chris martin from cold play and his wife gwyneth paltrow named there son moses ??????.

I think Moses is an improvement considering they named their first child Apple.
I work for an american company and some of the names of the average person amuse me.
There are 3 people I talk to named Jesus (although I didn't realise at first as they are of Mexican origin and pronounce it as "Hey Zeus").
The funniest though was about 4 years ago and I had to speak to a Dick Black and got his name the wrong way round redface
hehehe... kids names are like fashion they come and go....
i wanna pretend to become a celeb and if i have kids call them breeze block and tapioca surprised
Jesus (pronounced heyzus) is a common Spanish/South American name. My mate at work got a Christmas card from a business contact in S America called Jesus.
His kids were well impressed!!!!
Quote by outstanding
hehehe... kids names are like fashion they come and go....
i wanna pretend to become a celeb and if i have kids call them breeze block and tapioca surprised

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Nearly as bad as Missy coming up with our twins - HornyBuster and DamBlonde Here
My comment is entirely irrelevant.
I have known two or three Spanish guys with the name Jesus. Do you know the names of his brothers (the original Jesus I mean)? Or his sisters?
Now what sex is River Phoenix? And there are lots of others. That Tiger Lily whatever and others seem to have been taken from seed catalogues.
What happened to good old Andrew and Margaret and David etc.
Or even Mollie?
I like being called Mollie. Moll Flanders. Gansters' Molls. When I was a child I knew a cat called Mollie. But right now I only know one Mollie. Me. There is a Molly here. Could we form a Mollie (Molly) club?
Mollie x x x
Quote by fantasycpl
now that would be the god of all p**s taking lol :lol: :lol:

No, that's the Son of all piss taking :giggle:
In Almeria I met a Spanish fire fighter who worked part time as a tour rep. HIs wife had recently had twins called
Hose a
Hose b
Mr Tweeky
hehehe.. better the phil latio and connie lingus lol
Quote by outstanding
hehehe.. better the phil latio and connie lingus lol

Sounds like a simpsons eepisode, anyone know a Hugh Janus? :lol:
On a more serious note I have two business contacts one is a Mr A Pratt and the other is a Mr A Cock, can just imagine either of them being called over the tannoy at a station or something similar. biggrin
As has been said though even ordinary names can lead to piss takes that parents never imagined when they named their children. If I had a £1 every time someone either said "Roger, over and out", "Roger the rabbit" or more often on here some comment about Rogering people I would be a much richer man. cool