I wasn't sure where to post this, but since it invariably relates to actual meets, I thought here was appropriate.
An often raised topic, and one I heard discussed in the chatroom very recently, that of meetings arranged but the other party didn't show up.
There are a couple of aspects you should be aware of.
First and foremost, unless you have seen or have spoken to a woman then it's best to assume that there isn't one involved.
If you are asked, in chat or through "ping pong messaging", lots of questions as to your likes and sexual preferences and so on, then it's virtually certain that there's someone getting off on the messaging and has no intention of meeting.
When a meeting is arranged, you will have divulged certain information, such as the time and location of the meet, how to recognize you and so on. It is a fact that certain people will simply seek to identify you. They will be at the public meeting place, but they won't disclose themselves as being the other party. Equally, they perhaps only sought to get your address.
Keep a specific sim card just for your swinging friends, only giving your regular number to those who will become real friends.
This isn't meant to scare anyone, most of these timewasters are just that, and we won't begin to understand how this pleases them, but it's clear to see that some caution is advisable.