I'd been thinking about having myself checked out at the local GUM clinic and was discussing it with one of my friends.
I was told that one of their mates had this done and it was a painful procedure. Apparently a small metal pipe was inserted into his penis to take a swab. It was pushed in and out untill blood came out. Just listening to the story made my eyes water.
Can someone verify whether this is the case?
They only really need to take a swab if you have a discharge. Then it's only so they can find out what the infection is being caused by. It's uncomfortable but nothing like the description your mate gave you. A long q-tip type swab is placed into the urethra, about 1-3 cms deep, and that's it.
If you are asymptomatic it'll just be an interview and some blood taken.
Thanks for replying.
It was made to sound like torture.
No symptoms, just thought it'd be a good idea to get it done.
Yes it is a good idea and as peanut says it involves a little discomfort but no real pain. Also if you've had multiple partners, as one is likely to do if they use this site, ask about Hepatitis "B" vaccination, and don't forget to collect your free condoms !!
Ive only used the one here n they always take a swab.
The metal umbrella thing is a myth these days. It was practised in the 1950s with Syphilis patients as I understand it, but no more. Even the swabbing with a cotton bud is falling into disuse, and whenever I've had it done, it really was just a wipe round the end of the urethra. You wouldn't even say it was actually inserted. The most common STIs can be tested for with a simple urine sample these days, which is hardly all that scary is it? ;) Blood was taken at my last test but only because I asked for Hep and HIV tests while they were at it.
HTH. ;)
Neil x x x ;)
At my last visit to the clinic I had two swabs taken and also bloods.
The first swab was taken from the first few mm of the urethra and the second from a "lower" level !
Neither were comfortable, but neither were painful.
At the time I was leaking a bit of blood (minor bacteria, not specifically sti...but a bit colourful)
The two week course of antibiotics could be just a two-tablet-two-day course, depending upon the problem (if any), or a 7/14 day course.
the samples given may go to microbiology for culture and the antibiotics may be changed depending on the culture results.
Discomfort or embarrassment should not stop you having test/s. The results of untreated stis' can be serious illness or infertility.
If you're worried about any of the tests, or about any sexually transmitted illness, you can obtain advice and help from your nearest GUM clinic