Well excuse the fuck out of me for coming into the steam room to ermmmmm LET OFF STEAM
(and for your info tweeky - i did used to post a lot in the past under a different guise, cant think why i gave up bothering!!!!)
Walks away from Tweeky's obvious baiting
Blah blah blah, sorry its s forum people have opinions and ideals if you dont like them dont read them.
The discussion on people's attitudes to experiences they don't like - to leave it or to stay and want it to improve - is interesting. The different responses people have to the same situations can be a fascinating subject for study, however it doesn't change one specific thing - which is that:
If a person has a 'thing' they want to rant about in here - they can. Being told to stop complaining and 'if you don't like they way something is, tough, just walk away', is unreasonable. This is a place to complain - I really don't think anyone gets to vet the complaints and choose which ones they consider to be acceptable.
Isn't language a wonderful thing? When it comes down to it - this is all semantics.
i think to stop could be a temporary thing.
as an example if i was say playing a comptur game and the doorbell went i would STOP playing that game until that person had gone and then i could carry on playing the game as i left it. to quit that game is to end that particuler game if i was halfway through a game of football i could just stop playing and come back to it in ecactly the same place as i left it if i quit then that is impossible to do.
hopefuly peeple will suss out what that meens. so i think stop and quit ARE indeed differant meenings to them.
plenty of other examples.
I do love these forums all the moaning and groaning....now now form a queue before you start the rant he he he......tut its just my opinion :evil2::evil2:
sat in waiting for a delivery that should have been here this morning grrr i have stuff to do today n need to be out of the house :censored:
Just for the record.
I'll post or announce what I like when I like whever I feel like it. Including, births marriages, deaths and taking a shit. As has been common place in the forum for its entire existance by many users.
Thank you come again.
oh the fucking irony :giggle: