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I was up in the attic the other day and when I was climbing down again I misjudged the last step and stubbed my toe, how long does it take for the toenail to go black?
Thanks for your help. biggrin
Quote by marmalaid
I was up in the attic the other day and when I was climbing down again I misjudged the last step and stubbed my toe, how long does it take for the toenail to go black?
Thanks for your help. biggrin

you're a weirdo!!!!
Quote by the_Laird
but in a good way!!

Nice to know I'm appreciated. Still a bit gutted at not meeting you at Glasgow sad there'll be another time biggrin
It don't always go black
Tony did just the same a while back and it went poison...
He had to have an injection under his nail and one either side of his toe then have it pulled out, wasn't very nice but it grew back though smile
Shaz xx
P.S good luck lol :lol:
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
It don't always go black
Tony did just the same a while back and it went poison...
He had to have an injection under his nail and one either side of his toe then have it pulled out, wasn't very nice but it grew back though smile
Shaz xx
P.S good luck lol :lol:

Was that on one of your fetish nights then? :lol:
Quote by marmalaid
It don't always go black
Tony did just the same a while back and it went poison...
He had to have an injection under his nail and one either side of his toe then have it pulled out, wasn't very nice but it grew back though smile
Shaz xx
P.S good luck lol :lol:

Was that on one of your fetish nights then? :lol:
hahaha no were not quite that bad :lol:
but good luck with the toe though, hope it heals nicely and don't go gammy and make your leg drop off!
Shaz x
Not that long Marms but as already said may not go black. Mine didnt when I broke my toes a couple of months ago so and that was from stubbing them. Lost nail once though and it didnt seem that lon until it grew back. Cut out a bit of a plaster and paint a smilie face on it if it happens and then you have a talking, sympathy point in conversation ??????? whatever..... hope it wasnt too painful - know mine was and I walked around for a week before I knew they were broken doh!!!!!!!!!
Quote by marmalaid
but in a good way!!

Nice to know I'm appreciated. Still a bit gutted at not meeting you at Glasgow sad there'll be another time biggrin
without a doubt
(tell me you weren't ACTUALLY at Glasgow.............I was a bit pre-occupied that night!! :wink: )
Quote by corriefem
Not that long Marms but as already said may not go black. Mine didnt when I broke my toes a couple of months ago so and that was from stubbing them. Lost nail once though and it didnt seem that lon until it grew back. Cut out a bit of a plaster and paint a smilie face on it if it happens and then you have a talking, sympathy point in conversation ??????? whatever..... hope it wasnt too painful - know mine was and I walked around for a week before I knew they were broken doh!!!!!!!!!

Good to see you about, Corrie, we really should catch up some time soon, I have a new job and everything biggrin
Quote by the_Laird
(tell me you weren't ACTUALLY at Glasgow.............I was a bit pre-occupied that night!! wink )

Always one to do as he is told;
I wasn't ACTUALLY at Glasgow....
I wasn't, really, well, only in spirit!
Quote by marmalaid
(tell me you weren't ACTUALLY at Glasgow.............I was a bit pre-occupied that night!! wink )

Always one to do as he is told;
I wasn't ACTUALLY at Glasgow....
I wasn't, really, well, only in spirit!
had me all concerned there. See you at the NW
Quote by marmalaid
Not that long Marms but as already said may not go black. Mine didnt when I broke my toes a couple of months ago so and that was from stubbing them. Lost nail once though and it didnt seem that lon until it grew back. Cut out a bit of a plaster and paint a smilie face on it if it happens and then you have a talking, sympathy point in conversation ??????? whatever..... hope it wasnt too painful - know mine was and I walked around for a week before I knew they were broken doh!!!!!!!!!

Good to see you about, Corrie, we really should catch up some time soon, I have a new job and everything biggrin Have you brilliant ! Does this mean even more shares lol. Hope they are paying what you are worth smile
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
It don't always go black

Dosent it!!!
Awww... what a shame! :giggle:
Quote by the_Laird
you're a weirdo!!!!

Quote by the_Laird
but in a good way!!

Maybe I should trademark my quote/comment if all and sundry are going to be using it!!
lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by corriefem
. . . . . Hope they are paying what you are worth smile

Oh c'mon ! ! ! ! !
Give him a break.
The guy needs to live rolleyes
P.S. Chris - I hope it hurt like fLuck when you did it.
I'm only saying this because people just laugh at me when I do it wink
hope u get better soon
jane sad
On my way round with a hammer and stop watch to try it out on the other foot lol
( I knew there was a satistic streak in me somewhere!!)
Seriously, I hope your toe gets well soon, do we need to send it cards???
FFs Dont encourage him mad
typical smarmalaid going for the sympathy vote :shock:
Attic my arse , I have it on very good authority that it was one of the deer from over the Chase that took axeption to his presence and stomped him :shock:
Is it now that I actually own up to not having damaged my toe, but just imagined Bilko spotting the post and thinking "Bastard, I've just locked two threads with Steph in the title and 'beasted' someone for starting a second thread after the first one has been locked."
I imagined him running to the kitchen to his key cupboard, grabbing the keys to his 'little green tank' ready to speed over to the control tower to lock yet another thread then hearing "Come back to bed, stud muffin, he's yanking your chain!" from Jags or Dawnie in the the other room.
Sorry for causing the sudden outpouring of misdirected grief redface
Lardi wink see you at the NW
Quote by redpantherman
It don't always go black

Dosent it!!!
Awww... what a shame! :giggle:
Oh, and bollocks you! wink
Quote by dambuster
Oh c'mon ! ! ! ! !
Give him a break.
The guy needs to live rolleyes
P.S. Chris - I hope it hurt like fLuck when you did it.

And you flipa
Sorry Chris, it wa a bit obvious smackbottom
Appart from that - the way you get in and out of he loft it would more likely be a broken neck than a stubbed toe! Spiderman wink
Quote by PoloLady
Sorry Chris, it wa a bit obvious smackbottom
Appart from that - the way you get in and out of he loft it would more likely be a broken neck than a stubbed toe! Spiderman wink

My brother bought some step ladders, bless his little cotton socks cool
Quote by marmalaid
Sorry Chris, it wa a bit obvious smackbottom
Appart from that - the way you get in and out of he loft it would more likely be a broken neck than a stubbed toe! Spiderman wink

My brother bought some step ladders, bless his little cotton socks cool
Looks like you have your very own live-in angel - does he want to go to the 'special' health spa yet? lol
Quote by PoloLady
Looks like you have your very own live-in angel - does he want to go to the 'special' health spa yet? lol

Indeed, he's fab. He's gonna move out one day, I'll miss him like hell then, it's bad enough when he's on nights and I don't see him.
No, he's still not even remotely interested in the health giving properties therein.
Quote by marmalaid
It don't always go black

Dosent it!!!
Awww... what a shame! :giggle:
Oh, and bollocks you! wink

Oi redpantherman, i knew what you ment and that was very very naughty
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
we should be talking about marmalaid's imaginary stubbed toe here lol
Shaz x
The get well card is already in the post go and hurt yourself. :kick:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
get well soon kiss
Quote by marmalaid
Looks like you have your very own live-in angel - does he want to go to the 'special' health spa yet? lol

Indeed, he's fab. He's gonna move out one day, I'll miss him like hell then, it's bad enough when he's on nights and I don't see him.
No, he's still not even remotely interested in the health giving properties therein. Am I missing something ............................. your brother is living with you??????????? think I must have missed something here :shock: :shock: you know I like goss !!!!!!!!!!