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Steve's progress

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Well what a weekend!!!.......
There we were all packed up and on our way to have a lovely weekend at a dinner dance (you know the sort of thing, bow ties, posh frocks etc) and we get to my mums.....
Steve had been complaining of heartburn since he got home on Friday night around and had woken me during the night as it was so bad. Whilst at my Mum's it got worse.... Alas it wasn't heartburn.... We had to call an ambulance at about and he was rushed to hospital having suffered a heart attack....
He is okay but they are keeping him in for 5 days to monitor and treat him.... The down side for me is that the hospital is 35 miles from home, so the hours I will be zippiing up and down the M6 will be rediculous this week....
They are saying that he will be released on Thursday so I imagine he will be back online shortly after that as he hates to miss any of the gossip....
I know he is feeling better because he has complained about the fact that he missed out on a night of drinking and perving.... rolleyes :roll: lol :lol:
At least they dont tell you to abstain from sex otherwise I might be feeling like Venus in another thread :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol:
Sorry to hear about Steve, fingers crossed that he recovers quickly. What the bloody hell did you do to the poor guy? rolleyes
If there is anything any of us can help with please let me know ..
Give steve a kiss from me and please look after yourself ok !
Em xx
Oh My God Shireen :shock:
Send him our love and a big hug for you and the children.
If he is up to visitors pm me details and Ian or I can pop in a see him.
Love and best wishes to all of you
Dawn xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hehehehehe not me Bev, I wish I could say it was because of a marathon session but I cant lol
Thanks Em sweetie kiss I am knackered but just relieved that he is okay
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Oh My God Shireen :shock:
Send him our love and a big hug for you and the children.
If he is up to visitors pm me details and Ian or I can pop in a see him.
Love and best wishes to all of you
Dawn xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks sweetie kiss
PM on it's way wink
Awwww I hope he's back on his feet soon.
Give him a big passionkiss from me and hugs for you because you're probably feeling worse.
sorry to hear about steve
hope he feels better soon
sad All the best to you both... this must be stressy for you and horrid for him.
Sorry to hear about all this Shireen - very best wishes to Steve for a quick recovery.
OMG Shireen!!! :shock:
Big hugs to you :therethere: And big get well soon hugs to Steve :therethere:
Wow, what a shocker sad Hope he gets better real quick
oh hell shireen!
hope steve's better soon, and not out of action too long! ;) and hugs for you. smile
neil x x x ;)
Thanks guys passionkiss
I am walking around with a :shock: sort of look at the minute.... Fortunately one our closest friends is a doctor and he has been chatting to me a length about it all for the last 2 days....
You can tell he is on the mend though because he was moaning like hell about the fact that I am going to have to drive him everywhere for the next 3-4 weeks as he is not allowed to drive rotflmao
Quote by shireen-steve
You can tell he is on the mend though because he was moaning like hell about the fact that I am going to have to drive him everywhere for the next 3-4 weeks as he is not allowed to drive rotflmao

Really glad to hear that all is well and that he's on his way to being back on form
OMG!! Hope he's okay and you're okay!! Don'y know you guys that well - but shite!!! Hope all okay.
:sad: kiss
I can't add anything more to what's already been said. I hope you get him back home where he belongs soon .:therethere:
Quote by steveg_nw
I can't add anything more to what's already been said. I hope you get him back home where he belongs soon .:therethere:

Me neither. And me too.
Big manly hugs to Steve - Get well soon!!! :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
And great big sloppy kisses to Shireen while Steve's not here to see!!!!! passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: lol :lol: wink
Shireen, I`m not supposed to be posting in case I get drawn in and Sarge sees me :uhoh: I`m only up for a ciggy and a quick lurk.....
but I couldn`t ignore this thread. I hope Steve recovers soon, and any time he needs a nurse.......just yell wink
Big hugs for you and Steve!
Hope he recovers quickly, I know just how you feel as my other half has problems with his heart where he gets dizzy and has attacks etc.
Love to you. x
Gem. x
Get well soon mate.
Lb :love:
Wish i was there babes to give you a great big HUG passionkiss
Hope Steve feels better soon..... big kiss to him kiss
Hope Steve makes a speedy recovery and you're ok too Shireen
Love to both of you
Bunny x kiss
Sorry to hear your bad news.
Positive thoughts to both you and Steve.
Aww Shireen, I'm so glad that Steve is recovering quickly, it must have been a huge scare for everyone. Send him a big snog from me and hope to see him back soon fit and healthy xxx
Crikey. Seems to have been a lot of this kinda thing around this month - after-effects of Christmas?
Hope Steve's back on form soon. Take care in the meantime!
Sorry to hear about Steve.
I sincerely hope they found the cause and that he'll be back on his feet in no time at all.
Shireen Hun
sad sorry to hear that hun .. Give him my regards and hope he gets well soon .
Shireen, so sorry to here about Steve
Hope he is back on his feet again soon
H and
Thanks for the messages guys, I will be printing this thread out so he can read it although I dont think it would be a good idea to pin it on the wall rotflmao :rotflmao:
passionkiss for everyone