Did you know that most keyboards can be put in the dishwasher to be cleaned? You need to make sure it's properly dry before using again but I'm told it works a treat.
I've never actually done this myself. But then I've never spilt sticky fluids over my keys.
I use a toothbrush between the keys ... gets them clean
Most Keyboards you can prise the buttons off anyway so you can clean them.
i have been told you can rinse it under the tap, but i would think the dishwasher would be a bit too harsh...
wouldn't work for me as i'm on laptop !
Best take it in and get it clean by the surgar in tea or coffee can leave a residue on the soft rubber membrane that will harden the rubber and can also affect the graphite contacts.
With the older, or standard "cheap" keyboards that come with a "standard" PC when you dont want to pay extra for an all singing all dancing additional 50 keys type this is nearly true, washing it in the shower or under a tap and then letting it dry is "safe." but the new keyboards have a lot more in them than what you type on, such as extra buttons for CD player, bring up explorer, etc... these do have circuits that are more likely to fry than the older ones... but if your keyboard is knackered then a wash and dry can re-new it so no loss if it fails.