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Stockings .... Tights.... or Bare Legs..???

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Black stockings and suspenders or bare legs. biggrin
I'm blessed - can get away with bare.
Ofcourse to stockings (sheer yep), but I am one of these 70s porn fans and love the 70s look of pantyhose with no knickers underneath, and the woman pulls them and it gets right b/ween her front bottom camel toes. Especially with a hairy crotch - just so animalistic and sooooo 70s. I love it.
And yes I'm a woman!
Quote by rachel-lane+peaches
well peaches has never bothered with tights or stockings and i must say she dosnt need them, shes sexy enough and i love bare flesh, but for me i love whale nets in shocking pink :twisted: but im just a tart lol
x rache x

Cant dissagree with Miss Rach about the whale nets , Silkys pins always look awesome in them . Although prefer a more traditional black to pink as pink against pink does contrast that well .
Bare legs for me tights stockings make my legs itch,but on a partner stockings
biggrin Ok..... so the consensus of opinion appears to be that stockings..... either traditional with suspenders or holdups are the most sexy and comfortable thing to wear and be seen in...
Bare legs seems to come in as a second runner.... only for those with tanned or extremely shapely legs........
Tights.... well i found another use for those today...... making a filter on the water catchment container up in the thats the only use i have for them apart from under jods on really biting cold Winter days.......
I know exactly which of the 3 would be the only choice for me ................. lol
equi-princess xxx
Why not go for the compromise - crotchless tights???
I do love wearing stockings or hold ups but it's too bloody hot for anything at the mo lol!
i love wearing stockings and coupled with a basque - well i almost fancy myself!! Hate tights and bare legs are great if uve got great legs but unfortunately i havent!!
ohh!! it has to be stocking,with high heels womens legs look fantastic!!!!!
Holdups in either sheer or black, depending what else I`m wearing. But I will dare to bare as soon as I bit of colour on my pasty white legs.
Well i prefer stockings ( on my head lol) lol
Stockings or tights for me. Ladies in stockings look very sexy and i love the feeling of tights on my member.
Quote by equi-princess
mmm.... what would be your choice...
Stockings..... very sexy in either sheer or black
Tights... very useful for keeping warm in the winter under jods on a cold day, not much use for anything else.....
Bare legs... bit chilly... only works if you have tanned legs ...
So.... people.... which would you choose to wear and why???????
equi-princess xxx

I've worn tights before lol............. used to be a postman years ago and boy do they keep ur legs warm on cold winter mornings. Thick bloody things they were. Never left home without them lol.
Wel ...l need to buy myself some sussies asap ... like holdups but hate the line they leave sad
Getting about cold enough to cover up now :shock:
hmmmmmmm confused
On a guy bare legs lol
On a woman either bare or fishnet holdups :twisted:
on myself fishnets holdups as my legs are to white for bare lol
But tights nooooooooooooooooo i can't stand them on myself or others, there horrible things.....although compo liked them :lol:
Yep Hold Ups for me too!
More Practical than stockings & sexier than tights :thumbup:
I LOVE to see a woman in Fishnet Stockings....pref those with the larger RED.... wink as fluck.. :twisted:
CheekyChimp.... cool
a nice sheer seamed stocking, holdup or with suspenders do it everytime :twisted:
Quote by equi-princess
mmm.... what would be your choice...
Stockings..... very sexy in either sheer or black
Tights... very useful for keeping warm in the winter under jods on a cold day, not much use for anything else.....
Bare legs... bit chilly... only works if you have tanned legs ...
So.... people.... which would you choose to wear and why???????
equi-princess xxx

Legs in stockings and suspenders,
Legs in tights,
Bare legs,
Just female legs and I'm happy ! ! !
I'm going to go out on a limb and admit to liking women in socks.
I like the feel of them on my shoulders. :twisted:
Quote by Ice Pie
I'm going to go out on a limb and admit to liking women in socks.
I like the feel of them on my shoulders. :twisted:

The socks I can do right now but what I'm missing is your shoulders wink :twisted:
Quote by LadyFeeBee
I'm going to go out on a limb and admit to liking women in socks.
I like the feel of them on my shoulders. :twisted:

The socks I can do right now but what I'm missing is your shoulders wink :twisted:
biggrin Cotton or wool? It's important. ;)
Quote by Ice Pie
I'm going to go out on a limb and admit to liking women in socks.
I like the feel of them on my shoulders. :twisted:

The socks I can do right now but what I'm missing is your shoulders wink :twisted:
biggrin Cotton or wool? It's important. ;)
Ohhh, not wool................makes me itch rolleyes
Did I answer correctly?? dunno
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Did I answer correctly??

It was a trick question... there's no wrong answer ;)
Basque and stockings please
Quote by Ice Pie
I'm going to go out on a limb and admit to liking women in socks.
I like the feel of them on my shoulders. :twisted:

dont they chaff a bit, especially the wooly ones? confused
Stockings closely followed by hold ups (on a women lol ) wink
Mr goodtimez
stockings are nice better than tights but silk underwear is better!!!
Short dress, bare legs, nice shoes - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Has to be stockings for me.I just love peeling them off of a lady especially if she orders me to. biggrin