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Strange dreams

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Just had my mid afternoon siesta, and for some reason I spent the 20 or so minutes I was asleep, discussing the environment with Jon Bon Jovi whilst walking around my old school. Even as I type this the dream is still vivid. Why Bon Jovi I’m no fan of his nor had I just heard a song of his on the radio and why discuss the environment OK if it was Bono in my dream then yes talking about ecological matters would make sense. And why be at my old school I’ve only ever been back once in the 20 years since I left and Bon Joni hadn’t been heard of when I was at school so it’s not like any of his songs would bring back school day memories.
Strange all very strange if anyone out can find a meaning for my dream I’d love to here it. Also what’s the strangest dream you can remember a dream that made no sense at all. confused
Thanks Jude if you could find the website I will be grateful as I’m interest to find if there’s any meaning to this or other dreams I’ve had in the past, and I’m sure it’s not just a trannie thing.
Further to my dream I also remember Jon Bon Jovi saying in the dream “how much he liked radio Shropshire” whats up with that confused :shock: rolleyes lol lol lol
Quote by JudyTV
Here ya go honey.


The Dream Doctor book by Arthur B. Reeve is also available from amazon at
If you are into biorhythms then try this site.


Hey Judy
I remember having a Biorhyms program way back on an Acorn electron (smaller version of a bbc realy ) Dont remember much about it was all to do with life span fitness etc? you had to enter details birhtday and stuff.
Gonna enjoy looking at the dream site although I ver very very very rarely remember any dreams sad so will have to look up old ones.
Mr Tweeky
wow judy i dont quite know how the bio-chart works but it has me spot on for today :shock: looks like my emotional state is going to stay in termoil for the rest of the week!
i shall be looking into this much deeper so a big thank you for the link & something to get my teath into smile
tweeky if you are interested in dreams its a good idea to keep a note pad & pen beside your bed so you can write your dream down on waking as you tend to forget important parts very quickly
its good to also try to remember feelings during the dream & colours, bright dull etc & anything else that you remember that may not seem relevant at the time, you will be amazed with the outcome after a few months smile
i tried to get into lucid dreams afew years ago without much success but did have a lot of luck from controling dreams by holding a certain finger & thinking of my desired dream while waiting for sleep to come different fingers for different dreams,it sounds a little strange but does work smile
sweet dreams smile smile
Thanks for the links Jude, very interesting
Biorhythms are interesting my efficiency is high and general wellbeing is good except for my emotions which is minus100 percent today, it says emotional, you want to hind away in the furthest corner, do it because it’s going to be a bad day. And it gets better lol because it says tendency: Declining and getting worse. Add that to my dream about being back at school which says
To dream that you are in school, signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about performance and abilities. You may also be going through a "spiritual learning" experience. If you are still in school and dream about school, then it will naturally serve as a backdrop to your dream world. Alternatively, a dream that takes place in school may be a metaphor for the lessons that you are learning from your waking life.
Inadequacy and childhood insecurities, anxieties about performance and abilities, just what I wanted to hear.. :shock:
Well it’s little wondered I decided to take a few months off the scene. Anyhoo can’t stay here chit chatting got to go away and batten down the hatches it’s a bumpy ride ahead. From now on every time I hear a Bon Jovi song I’m going to burst into tears, LIVING ON A PRAY never seem so apt. Hope this is all a spiritual learning experience or a metaphor for the lessons that you are learning from your waking life.
By the way anyone out there wanna give me a hug :therethere: i need it
Quote by rebecca_uk_tv
By the way anyone out there wanna give me a hug :therethere: i need it

Here you go
:therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
Have a couple from someone you don't know.
They're sometimes the best kind of hug wink
Judy - the biorythm thing ..................................................... scary :scared:
Far too accurate :scared:
I've been trying since about 2am to see where it could be just one of those things where we see and hear what we want to see and hear; but how can it be, with only a date of birth with no other personal information :shock:
I tend to have quite a few lucid dreams whereby you know you are dreaming but the "story" still takes it's own course.....
Bit egotistcal I think........but
i have some really wierd dreams :shock:
sorry just thought i'd sahre that lol
i had a strange dream last nite..... and woke up crying....
I dreamt that my bloke finished with me coz i talked to much... confused
ive been haveing the same dream lately.
in my dream im liveing in the same place has when i was a child but im the age i am now.
my kids are with me too.
im told ill never beable to leave there with my children, but i can leave on my own.
its has if i have a choice to make. what do you think?
i hate haveing this dream.
Tina xxx
I like a vivid dream. I can go about for a few days still feeling it and re seeing it.
I also like deja vu.
Quote by JudyTV
ive been haveing the same dream lately.
in my dream im liveing in the same place has when i was a child but im the age i am now.
my kids are with me too.
im told ill never beable to leave there with my children, but i can leave on my own.
its has if i have a choice to make. what do you think?
i hate haveing this dream.
Tina xxx

I hope that question wasn't directed at me personally honey :P . I struggle on a daily basis to sort my own life out :P wink ..thats why I use the Bio charts smile .
I think you may find the answer in the dream web site that I placed a link in a former post on this thread.
Good luck with it all. The good news is its nearly officially spring smile .

No Judy it wasent :-)
i just keep haveing the same dream and woundered if anyone else had a simaler one.
ill have a look on that site.
Tina xxx
Quote by dambuster

By the way anyone out there wanna give me a hug :therethere: i need it

Here you go
:therethere: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
Have a couple from someone you don't know.
They're sometimes the best kind of hug wink
Thanks for the hug Dammie biggrin
Well, so far today hasn't been to bad, but i've got to go to work tonight and i just know something shity gonna happen there, it always does lol
Quote by rebecca_uk_tv
............................ got to go to work tonight and i just know something shity gonna happen there, it always does lol

That's cos it's w*rk.
On a light hearted note.....
I've been visited by my "demons" quite a lot recently. Not sure why, but hey-ho.
We were sat talking last night. You know - the "how was your day" sort of thing, and I apologised for disturbing her during the previous early hours and not being there when she woke in the morning.
db "Sorry for disturbing you blahblahblah"
hlb "Well - I felt you bouncing around, and thought you were having a wank"
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
hlb "But when I looked at you, you were laid face down with your hands above your head"
db "Dunno Sweetie"
hlb "I thought - 'He's humping the fecking bed ! ! ! ! !' so left you to it"