anyone else have strange habits

Quote by Manolishi
ahhh, errrrrrr where to start
Well beans on toast, covered in salad cream then grated cheese on top.
Quote by Calista
I'm fussy about food and the thought of mixing foods send me all shiveryWhen I was pregnant with our middle child the worst combination I had in terms of craving was salt & vinegar chipsticks dipped in strawberry angel delight.
Quote by Manolishi
ahhh, errrrrrr where to start
Well beans on toast, covered in salad cream then grated cheese on top.
Peenut butter and strawberry jam on toast
i was gonna say marry me
And of course, Marmite. I love the stuff and actually experiment with it in cooking. Mind, I have to say, Marmite in a chow-mein just does not work at all.until this
There are others, but I am getting hungry now. Maybe marmite on a nice toasted bacon sarnie mmmmmmmmm