I know i'm gonna get some funny looks, but without anyone impartial to discuss this with here, thought i'd come to he one place i could get honest opinions on lifes problems. Will leave thread to be developed but, essentially, how do you know when ur in love? and how do you make the boy/girlfriend transistion.
answers on a postcard to the usual address...
Transition to ...........................................?
Oh my head hurts !!!!!!!!!!!
How about when you have been married for 8yrs with 2 kids, you've both put on some weight since 1st meeting and you still miss eachother after a w/end apart...love???
I think you both feel a true affinity,being together is so natural,so are with the most interesting person in the can watch them at the washbasin cleaning thier teeth or opening a tin of beans to make some beans on toast and you can still hear the Angels care past yourself and your own needs for theirs and when they're tired,or lacklustre,or hungover,you still think she/he is SO wonderful,SO special..and,somehow,if they feel that back for you too,if it isn't just a one sided thing!..
I do think there is an element of a kind of universal love in swinging.I consider my few encounters to have been with generous,open hearted people who shared something meaningful with me,even if only for a few mattered at the time,was lovely at the time, and is always remembered with affection. It isn't love as in THE love..has anyone here ever proceeded onto a love love relationship with a person they first met in a swinging situation??
If its a friend you surely talk about things at some kind of lengh,with some kind of detail..then again we can sometimes be amazing at leaving things unsaid can't we?Or saying things that have hidden meanings - but do THEY pick up on that?
In my feeble opinion, you know when you're in love and if you don't know, then you're probably not.
But that's in love, which is different. I love my daughter, my friends and food. All in very different ways.
I have told my friends I love them and I'm pretty sure they know what I mean!
Being "In Love" and "Loving" someone are different things.
When your In Love, you cant think straight and your heart races when you see that person.. you just cant get them out of your mind. Its a type of Insanity... although a nice kind ;)
When you Love someone; then their happiness is as important, if not more so, than your own. You may not think of them every waking minute, as in the first definition, but you do think on how they will feel in decisions you make that will affect them; your always there for them, and it feels good to be with them.