Last night I stripped for the first time (well, the first time in front of people who weren't my partner) not professionally at a club, it was in our home, but I had gotten some tips and training points from my friend who used to be a professional stripper, as I was supposed to look and act as "real" as possible. incl. lap dancing.
I was really really nervous (I am a bit of a klutz sometimes and I feared getting tangled up in things, tripping, falling over, bruising or damaging myself or others ) but it ended up being a whole lot of fun! I only tripped once and no one got hurt. Thinking of maybe trying it out in a club... someday.
just wanted to share, and also, if anyone else, male/female wanted to share stripping stories, whether it's about doing it professionally, semi-professionally, just for yourself, or what have you, love to hear it.
miss sweetie.