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Studying Swingers

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Passed another exam 33 out of 40, needed 24 to pass so not bad going biggrin Now Im wondering what the 7 were that I got wrong rolleyes
Pretty sure I passed the other one too, now I can concentrate on the other improtant things in my life like shagging like theres no tomorrow!! Yaaaaaaaaaay
Anybody else out there studying or sitting exams??
Not me. Been there and done that. Won't be going back for a while so I shall just continue to study arses and sit on faces.
Been there, done that too. I think I still miss the stress :eeek:
trying to get through the last few months of my degree.
Well done on your results. I think I'll collapse when the stress ends. rolleyes
Hope I do as well. biggrin
cool , glad to see youre still sticking in to it too littlegem, Im just so chuffed this is the furthest Ive ever got educationwise usually Ive given up long before now so even still being there atm is a miracle in itself which helps boots me a wee bit biggrin
As for collapsing with stress, roll on the summer holidays haha Ill be needing a week in the local psychiactric unit to recover! confused lol
Well done.....
Thought this was some kind of anthropology thread... am bored now sad wanted to study swinging in its native environment... have always thought a David Bellamy or Richard Attinborough voiceover would go well in my previous swinging encounters.!!
I am sure kinsey would have enjoyed studying the modern internet swinging phenominion more so than the SUN newspaper.
I am halfway through a body massage course right now which isnt anywhere nearly as impressive as a degree but having spent four years fighting depression I am pleased to have got on to the course and to be doing well.
I'm currently supposed to be completing an assignment for my Maths degree.. you guys are my distraction!! rolleyes
Quote by oliveoyl
I am halfway through a body massage course right now which isnt anywhere nearly as impressive as a degree but having spent four years fighting depression I am pleased to have got on to the course and to be doing well.

OOOH - Iliveoyle PM ME!! I am doing my A&P (Anatomy and Physiology for the rest of you) as my pre entry to massage course I want to do!!!
Have also just just done my level one Reiki. Although Ihave to admit my err - umm - Reiki that i was supposed to do tonight didn't get done - but it's a hell of a good excuse for someone to get away for a couple of hours :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Rainbows
I am halfway through a body massage course right now which isnt anywhere nearly as impressive as a degree but having spent four years fighting depression I am pleased to have got on to the course and to be doing well.

OOOH - Iliveoyle PM ME!! I am doing my A&P (Anatomy and Physiology for the rest of you) as my pre entry to massage course I want to do!!!
Have also just just done my level one Reiki. Although Ihave to admit my err - umm - Reiki that i was supposed to do tonight didn't get done - but it's a hell of a good excuse for someone to get away for a couple of hours :twisted: :twisted:
I did A&P, body massage and aromatherapy about two years ago at diploma level, am currently thinking hard about doing it at degree level along with shiatsuand/or reflexology.
I'm very into homeopathy and reiki too.
C xx
Had enough of studying and exams for now, wish you all the best though hun. Well done for doing so well.
Quote by fruity1976
Anybody else out there studying or sitting exams??

Got a degree 3 years ago and now in the last few months of a 2 year diploma course. Not bad for someone that left school without as much as a spirit-level, never mind an O-level.
But I ain't stressed :silly: :scared: :silly: much!!!!
Quote by Calista
I am halfway through a body massage course right now which isnt anywhere nearly as impressive as a degree but having spent four years fighting depression I am pleased to have got on to the course and to be doing well.

OOOH - Iliveoyle PM ME!! I am doing my A&P (Anatomy and Physiology for the rest of you) as my pre entry to massage course I want to do!!!
Have also just just done my level one Reiki. Although Ihave to admit my err - umm - Reiki that i was supposed to do tonight didn't get done - but it's a hell of a good excuse for someone to get away for a couple of hours :twisted: :twisted:
I did A&P, body massage and aromatherapy about two years ago at diploma level, am currently thinking hard about doing it at degree level along with shiatsuand/or reflexology.
I'm very into homeopathy and reiki too.
C xx
Go for it Calista!! My plans are to do swedish and sports massage, plus reflexology (always wanted to do that) - and also get my reiki2. I am very into holistic therapy. And even the studying helps me relax at the moment becuase it so far removed from the stressfull I.T world that is my daily existence. The fact that I am studying towards something that will actually help others rather than just help the commercial organsiation for which I work makes it so worthwhile for me. I truly hope that it will help me move into a holistic therapy field full time.
Quote by Rainbows
Go for it Calista!! My plans are to do swedish and sports massage, plus reflexology (always wanted to do that) - and also get my reiki2. I am very into holistic therapy. And even the studying helps me relax at the moment becuase it so far removed from the stressfull I.T world that is my daily existence. The fact that I am studying towards something that will actually help others rather than just help the commercial organsiation for which I work makes it so worthwhile for me. I truly hope that it will help me move into a holistic therapy field full time.

I'm juggling the balls of studying complementary therapies or midwifery .... although my confidence is at an all time low at the moment so possibly not the right time to choose.
If I go the CT route then I shall train as a and work to support pregnant/post pregnant mums.
I get the best of both worlds that way dunno
Lol Rainbow hun,
I am not that good on the anatomy and physiology, learning as I go, maybe we both best ask Calista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
How was Reiki 1? I keep thinking about it but chickening out at the last minute!!! I love recieving Reiki though.
Calista hun I might have to pick your brains when I am trying to decide where to go next after I have done the basic body massage course, I would quite like to do aromatherapy ....... maybe I dont know llol
dunno :dunno:
Quote by Calista
I'm juggling the balls of studying complementary therapies or midwifery .... although my confidence is at an all time low at the moment so possibly not the right time to choose.
If I go the CT route then I shall train as a Doula and work to support pregnant/post pregnant mums.
I get the best of both worlds that way dunno

Trust in your intuition. You will KNOW the right one to choose - but it looks to me like you already know! Go with it. I won't go into my views on the confidence stuff in open forum becuase it is quite personal to me - but I do believe in trusting your intuition - and trusting yourself to go down the right path. The doula path seems a very worthwhile way to go!
You acedemic lot you smile On a more physical note I have an Orange Belt grading coming up :shock: Does that count, going to take about 2 months hard practice to get me up to standard I think.
Even if it doesnt count as conventional education we could always just give you a good spanking with that orange belt when you get it :twisted:
**Runs out of thread screaming because I sat my last exam in 1969**
I've been studying for my FPC exam, which is Financial Planning Certificate, once i've pass all 5 exams, (this was the first) i can become a financial adviser. I had the exam last Tuesday and find out if i passed on friday.
I'm not confident, but i will let you all know how i got on
Quote by Parrot
**Runs out of thread screaming because I sat my last exam in 1969**

Jeepers!! You must be old :shock:
I was still on my mother's knee in 1969 wink rotflmao
Don't hold it against me next week will you?! :shock: :grin:
Just thought i would let you all know i found out i passed my 1st Financial Planning Certificate,
Only 4 more exams till i'm a Financial Adviser !!!
Quote by fruity1976
Even if it doesnt count as conventional education we could always just give you a good spanking with that orange belt when you get it :twisted:

You can try, hehe... but I will know at least 20 ways to get you flat on your back in 3 moves or less ;)
Well done on the financial exams btw hornystockportgirl
Hey swingers. I'm doing a Masters and I'm getting a bit sick of it now I'm half way through. Doing a cool project on bisexuality though...may come touting for participants soon...
Well Done hornystockportgirl!!!!! you are a fifth of the way there now