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Suggestions for role playing?

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Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum -
I'm meeting a single fem v soon for some role playing. Shes never done it before but wants to, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about good ones to start off with? Preferably nothing withe expensive costumes biggrin
Steve x
Quote by n64play
Preferably nothing withe expensive costumes biggrin

How about a chance encounter at the nudist club... can't get cheaper costumes than that. wink lol :lol: :lol:
Boss : Secretary (you choose what role YOU play) :P
Personal Trainer : Client
Doctor : Patient
ask her what she wants.... that way you can't miss :!:
1/ Pick her up while kerb crawling.
2/ Introduce her to your mother. lol
Quote by n64play
Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum -
I'm meeting a single fem v soon for some role playing. Shes never done it before but wants to, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about good ones to start off with? Preferably nothing withe expensive costumes biggrin
Steve x

Do you not think it should be her choice? rolleyes
And if she doesn't know what she wants to do - then it might not be such a good idea to do it without seriously talking it through first.
Boss: secretary - so many opportunities. Mind you whore: client opens up a few as well.
Quote by PoloLady
Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum -
I'm meeting a single fem v soon for some role playing. Shes never done it before but wants to, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about good ones to start off with? Preferably nothing withe expensive costumes biggrin
Steve x

Do you not think it should be her choice? rolleyes
And if she doesn't know what she wants to do - then it might not be such a good idea to do it without seriously talking it through first.
What she said :idea:
How about a couple of sex starved whippets that havseen the other sexy for over a year? I would love to role play that one. You could get the furry costumes and go the whole hog. lol
Quote by Bloke2005
Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum -
I'm meeting a single fem v soon for some role playing. Shes never done it before but wants to, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about good ones to start off with? Preferably nothing withe expensive costumes biggrin
Steve x

Do you not think it should be her choice? rolleyes
And if she doesn't know what she wants to do - then it might not be such a good idea to do it without seriously talking it through first.
What she said :idea:
FFS he's after some ideas so he can talk it through with her!!
God I hate being sensible.... so I won't be...
How about the one where a single guy meets a single female and gives her 10 lots of multiple orgasms and still has the energy left to go again should she want more.
I know it is a fantasy - but I thought that is what roleplay was about?
Quote by mattmoleman
How about a couple of sex starved whippets that havseen the other sexy for over a year? I would love to role play that one. You could get the furry costumes and go the whole hog. lol

No - prefer you in the naked servant role!
*got to stop dribbling*
Quote by PoloLady
God I hate being sensible.... so I won't be...
How about the one where a single guy meets a single female and gives her 10 lots of multiple orgasms and still has the energy left to go again should she want more.
I know it is a fantasy - but I thought that is what roleplay was about?

Been there, bought the t-shirt! lol
If either of you can speak another languige then do it and treat each other as foriegners.
Quote by Jags
How about a couple of sex starved whippets that havseen the other sexy for over a year? I would love to role play that one. You could get the furry costumes and go the whole hog. lol

No - prefer you in the naked servant role!
*got to stop dribbling*
:smile2: :rose:
One naked servent ready for my orders mistress. biggrin I'll just get a mop to get rid of that wet patch you've made dribbling. :lol:
Quote by mal609
God I hate being sensible.... so I won't be...
How about the one where a single guy meets a single female and gives her 10 lots of multiple orgasms and still has the energy left to go again should she want more.
I know it is a fantasy - but I thought that is what roleplay was about?

Been there, bought the t-shirt! lol
Can I borrow the T-shirt?
Quote by mattmoleman
How about a couple of sex starved whippets that havseen the other sexy for over a year? I would love to role play that one. You could get the furry costumes and go the whole hog. lol

No - prefer you in the naked servant role!
*got to stop dribbling*
:smile2: :rose:
One naked servent ready for my orders mistress. biggrin I'll just get a mop to get rid of that wet patch you've made dribbling. :lol:
God - love it when you talk dirty!!
How are you at hoovering??
:inlove: :inlove:
I can suck with the best them Jags. You know that hunny. kiss
I can also iron, cook (and eat), wash windows, fluff pillows (and breasts). I've been told I'm pretty handy around the house and the garden so if you really need a naked gardener at any time too then I'm sure I could come up with something.
Quote by mattmoleman
I can suck with the best them Jags. You know that hunny. kiss
I can also iron, cook (and eat), wash windows, fluff pillows (and breasts). I've been told I'm pretty handy around the house and the garden so if you really need a naked gardener at any time too then I'm sure I could come up with something.

One day Matt - one day!! For now I can only dream and dribble. whip :whip:
Jags snogs to Matt
x xx
Pah to the one day. It would be more like, one day, night, day, night etc... until you've finaly finished with me. cool
Just think of PoloLady's post. wink
many many thanks for all the suggestions!! Didn't quite make it clear, she didn't have any ideas of her own so I thought I'd ask you guys for help! Liking a couple of Judy TV's ideas there, the hotel:manager one sounds interesting. Many thanks again, and if you think of any more, keep em coming ! (no pun intented)
Steve x
Teacher-pupil: she is late turning in her homework, late reporting in for class and disobedient so you have had enough and keep her after hours to punish her. Make her write some lines, be cross at her mispellings, she is insolent so you put her over your knee and she tries to get away from punishment by enticing you with her feminine charms.
Single dad(or dad whose wife is away for a few days) and babysitter: she is a little minx prancing around with her mini skirts and revealing tops and you feel a talk is in order but she surprises you with a blow job that leaves you mumbling like a fool.
Pirate-stowaway: you are a modern pirate (so you don't need period costumes but you need to not shave for a day to look rough) and find a female stowaway in your ship. Will you put her to work for her passage or make her walk the gangplank? Or both? How will she plead for her safety, what will she offer you in return for letting her live and complete the journey?
And my favourite:
Devil worshipper-maiden to be sacrificed. Tie her spread eagle on the floor with tealights forming a star around her body, play some Gregorian chants on the CD, get a knife without a sharp edge (maybe a letter opener)... She struggles and pleas but you must serve your Master. But of course there is no reason why you can't enjoy the maiden first (after all, the Devil has no physical existence so he can't actually fuck her, can he? And if he can't fuck her, he can't tell if she really is a virgin or not, so you have to find out on his behalf). Lots of scope for knife play (just running knife on her skin, lightly, taking care not to cut her) and wax play (dripping hot wax from a distance of at least 20 cm on her naked body - this can and will burn if not careful so start as high as possible (beware of spills on carpets!) gradually coming down as she gets excited and able to withstand it better. If she has a hairy pubic mount you could even shave her to make her look more innocent and available. And of course if she is not a virgin, then you don't have to kill her. You can keep her chained to serve you perpetually. wink
If you are going to tie anyone up, here are some safety tips:
>Make sure you can quickly release the bonds in case of an emergency.
>Make sure she/he can quickly free him/her self if something happens to you.
It may be necessary to have safety scissors within easy reach (safety scissors: ones with rounded edges)
>Make sure bonds do not cut in the skin and do not hinder circulation (you should be able to slide a finger between rope and the person's skin and you should feel their limbs regularly to see if they are getting cold. Cold=bad circulation=stop immediately. Purple/blue=bad circulation=stop immediately.)
>Tie the knots in such a way that if he/she struggles, they won't accidentally pull them tighter. Try knots on yourself first using your feet for practice.
>Keep communicating with 'victim' and agree on a word that would stop the play in case your victim felt uncomfortable and desired to stop. Having a safeword does not distract from roleplay and avoids confusion where 'stop!' or 'don't' do not necessarily mean what they say.
Play safe and have fun! biggrin
M and I often play the whore/client roles. Have picked her up in hotel bars and even on street corners! Dead horny!