Dug a good few square yards on the allotment. Planted some red and white current bushes there that I grew from cuttings last year. Shifted god knows how many dandelions from various areas of both garden and allotment. (People who allow thousands of dandelions to flower and seed in residential streets should be made to tarmac their gardens!! There's one house 3 doors down from me which is more dandelion than grass.)
Done loads of washing and dried it completely on the line - lovely smell and feeling after they've been blown about for a couple of hours.
Just enjoyed it - the sounds of the birds singing (ok they are actually putting themselves about looking for a shag - but it sounds all naturish), the scents of the flowers - one bush in my garden smells intensely of honey, the kids running about outside playing/learning/fighting, the lawnmowers (a couple of streets away preferably), even the sound of the light aircraft that use the local airfield - about 1/4 of a mile away, enjoying the weather and taking their passengers up (they do half hours trips for £75 a time).
And remembering those freezing days/nights when we battened down the hatches and tried to remember being warm all the way through.
Sang at spring wedding then went for a ride in the sun on minxs new bike.
I bloody love spring.
I was at my week end job, I am loving the whether spend a couple hours walking around 108 acres of green fields, came on to the chat on here and then it was home time... same again today...
I too am loving the weather
Yesterday after a little retail therapy I took my 4yr old nephew to a country park and just sat for 2 hours watching him enjoy himself running, climbing and jumping off anything he could find, bliss.
This morning was spent wiht my lover semi-naked on a blanket in a field doing what comes naturally at this time of year, the warmth on us and simply enjoying being together in the morning sun, again bliss