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What is it about Sundays that are soooo boring.
Nothing on tele, no where to one to play mischief to get into.....
Quote by melons
What is it about Sundays that are soooo boring.
Nothing on tele, no where to one to play mischief to get into.....

Ahem you can always get into some mischief (Please note the spelling!!!!) - what were you thinking of??.........
Dunno but Im open to suggestions.......
I spelt it right didnt I.... having a blonde moment !!!!!
hmmmm i bored aswell...need to entertaining
I've been in bed most of the day and it wasn't boring :twisted:
I didn't get to bed 'til 6am so I've missed most of it
Quote by melons
Dunno but Im open to suggestions.......
I spelt it right didnt I.... having a blonde moment !!!!!

I wasn't having a dig I was making sure I didn't say you can always get into MISSCHIEF - shit - said it now.
Thre's plenty of places you can get to on the site - even the occasional webcam - that could liven things up a bit.
Quote by melons
What is it about Sundays that are soooo boring.
Nothing on tele, no where to one to play mischief to get into.....

Aww Melons bless you...I know what you mean. You'd be welcome to come and play and get up to mischief with me anytime not just Sundays.
Just to cheer you up here's a kiss
What do you mean Sunday's boring??? it's better than dragging your arse out the bed to goto a shitty job in the pouring rain on a Monday surely???
I know i'd rather be bored....
Alternatively you could sit and watch Songs of Praise....or Antiques bloody roadshow!!!
True.. Sundays are boring... Bollocks!
i think every sunday from now on we should have a meet smile then it will be more exciting! lol
Three hours in church folowed by a richious cold shower and a simple plain meal should invigorate both the body AND the soul...
Three hours in church folowed by a richious cold shower and a simple plain meal should invigorate both the body AND the soul...
Mind a shag would be nicer....????
I seldom get bored as a good book normally occupies my time if needs must. Sundays are a bit slow in our house and I thought I would share my Sunday with you.
05:30hrs- woke as usual and went downstairs to make coffee. After putting the kettle on I opened the back door to step out into the garden and feed the fish, these are new fish as the pond is the latest installation in the garden, only three of the original fifteen fish have survived but they seem to be happy and now come to the surface to greet me when I bend over the waters edge to put the food in. We were saddened by the loss of the other twelve fish but just happy that we read in our 'keeping fish' book about putting water in the pond before the last three died. We have written to the manufacturer of the pond liner to complain about the obvious omission in their instructions.
05:42hrs- With the fish feed and the coffee made, I inserted two slices of bread into the toaster, I do not eat breakfast, but mrs davej does and has toast each morning. As with previous mornings I pondered on the design of the toaster and wondered yet again what moron decided to make the slots narrower and more shallow than a standard slice of bread. With the toaster set on its lowest setting, I went into the lounge to collect the cups from the previous night.
05:43hrs- I inserted two more slices of bread into the toaster and threw the first two burnt pieces out for the birds.
05:45hrs- After buttering the toast and spreading a thin layer of lime marmalade on each slice, I picked up the cup of coffee in one hand and the plate of toast in the other. On reaching the door to go up the stairs which I had shut behind me on the way down, I attempted to open the door handle with my elbow.
05:46hrs-Once the door was opened, I placed the coffee and the plate on the bottom stair, picked up the toast from the carpet returned to the kitchen and threw the toast out for the birds.
05:47hrs- Inserted two more slices of toast into the toaster, got a dampfloor cloth and returned to the hall to clean the carpet.
05:49hrs- The shrill noise of the smoke alarm startled me but was quickly silenced by pressing the button. I returned to the kitchen and threw the burnt toast out for the birds.
05-51hrs- I inserted another two slices of bread into the toaster and decided that this time I would stand and watch the toast, to make sure that it didn't burn. Despite the toast being set on the lowest setting, I still had to intervene by pressing the reject button on the toaster as it was clear that it wasn't going to pop up on time.
05:52hrs- Success at last two slices of toast done to perfection with both sides being golden brown in colour. I reached up into the cupboard and got out the lime marmalade again and then opened the fridge door to get the butter.
05:53hrs- Noted on the wallboard that we had now run out of butter. I opened the back door and threw the unbuttered slices of toast out for the birds.
05:55hrs- Poured Rice Crispies into a bowl added milk and sugar and took mrs davej's breakfast up.
05:56hrs- Returned downstairs with the cold coffee and threw it down the sink. Re- boiled the kettle and made a fresh cup. Took the fresh cup up to mrs davej.
05:58hrs- settled on sofa to drink my coffee and read the local paper.
07:42hrs- After drinking my coffee I had fallen asleep and on awakening, went out into the garden to water the pots and hanging baskets.
07:43hrs- With screams of....AARRGHHH!!!...coming from the bathroom I deduced that turning the hose on to water the pots, had coincided with mrs davej taking her shower. I turned off the hose and went upstairs to apply some Savlon to the reddened areas of her scolded body.
07:44hrs- Despite the foul language of which I do not approve the children have slept through.
07:58hrs- I took my shower and dressed.
10:10hrs- both myself and mrs davej drive to Tesco to buy some more provisions including, butter and bread. On arriving we find that a large number of people are already there and are forced to park far enough away from the entrance to consider if a packed lunch for the journey from the car to the door, would have been a good idea.
10:11hrs- After selecting a trolley, we proceed to the main entrance only pausing long enough to place a note under the windscreen wiper of a car stating our name and address and assuring the owner that the damage caused by the wayward trolley was unintentional.
10:41hrs- After selecting our goods, we return home without incident.
12:30hrs- Walk to our local Chinese restuarant for Sunday Lunch.
14:04hrs- Return home
16:14hrs- After a light snooze on the sofa I awake to find mrs davej out in the garden tending to some plants. I join her and after getting the mower out of the shed and start to cut the grass.
16:18hrs- I assist mrs davej to shake off as many of the grass clippings from her washing as we can, before puting it back into the machine to be washed again. Now that the washing line is empty, the grass cutting moves at a greater pace and I am finished before it is ready to be hung out again.
16:23hrs-We hang out the wash again.
16:25hrs- we quickly get the washing back in after it starts to rain.
- After bathing and putting on my Batman pyjamas, complete with integral cloak that mrs davej kindly tumble dryed for me, I log onto this site and reflect on another Sunday passed without incident.
Just one question - why the hell did you get up so early on a Sunday? :crazy:
The only time I ever see am is when I haven't been to bed yet :color:
wipes tears from eyes and offers to start collection for new toaster for mr and mrs davej .....
Calista x
Quote by bluexxx
Just one question - why the hell did you get up so early on a Sunday? :crazy:
The only time I ever see am is when I haven't been to bed yet :color:

Its because we know the toaster is tempremental
Quote by davej
Just one question - why the hell did you get up so early on a Sunday? :crazy:
The only time I ever see am is when I haven't been to bed yet :color:

Its because we know the toaster is tempremental
Classic normalo-Bollox from the maestro - yet again!!
Quote by Lovecommando
What is it about Sundays that are soooo boring.
Nothing on tele, no where to one to play mischief to get into.....

Aww Melons bless you...I know what you mean. You'd be welcome to come and play and get up to mischief with me anytime not just Sundays.
Just to cheer you up here's a kiss
Awwww lovecommando you spoil me...... :kiss:
Quote by JudyTV
Just one question - why the hell did you get up so early on a Sunday? :crazy:
The only time I ever see am is when I haven't been to bed yet :color:

Yep Im with you on that one blue. when I got in on this particular Sunday mornig. The good thing is you dont need a torch at this time of year smile . Sundays are fantastic.
surely fumbling around in the dark is far more fun than a torch.... or is it that you know what awaits you in the bed when you get in???
I am quite sure you could find something of interest to do, I think you just need some one to show you how to enjoy Sunday's