Just reinstalled windows on the laptop and decided to use firefox for web browsing, but can't find the fine tuning details i had to speed things up last time i used it.
Any tips, tricks or good sites to help get things loading quicker etc. would be most useful, Ta very much :thumbup:
a link I had from some techie discussion we had about a year ago
No problem meaty, can I collect the snog in person please :rascal:
spot on guys, been looking for this for ages.
word to the wise, keep a note of the changes as the next firefox upgrade will probably reset all your values.
The Meatmeister has been neglecting his duties???? :shock:
either I've been abducted by aliens tonight because everything here is a bit ...surreal and not quite all there... or there is definately something wrong here & I'm the only one who's normal :crazy:
The link for the Firefox tweaks seems to have out of date info. Did find the following from it however
I'm trying this plugin now and will report back in a few days
my mistake, typing 'about:config' does work after all.
An update on the FasterFox plugin, Firefox still works but any faster? I dunno