Quote by 4wheeldrive
Sorry but the worse place on this planet has to be B & Q
No trollies in the carpark, so you go in looking for one, you ask a person in a bright ornage shirt , who replies, sorry I dont deal with trollies, you ask, who might ??? emmmmm dont know try customer service (long q, so forget that, will carry what I need
You cant find what your looking for, so you hunt for another memeber in an orange shirt (only 2 per superstore) this time they tell you they are tools so they cant help with paint or gardening.
you make your way to the checkout (only 2 out of 8 are working) 1 cant find the barcode for something and the other is getting grief cos someones card wont swipe
you get outside thinking lucky escape only to be acosted by a kid flogging dvd's
tend to have a ruk everytime i go, give me Wickes anyday
Never EVER go to b & Q on a wednesday. 10% off day for pensioners.
Its like night of the living dead in there!