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Support appreciated:

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Warming the Bed
This nothing political, it's just to let some of our kids thousands of miles away know that someone thinking of them.
Support appreciated:
Our servicemen serving in the remote camps in Afghanistan would really appreciate receiving some comforts from home. The Americans are swamped with parcels from their public, but we often fail our soldiers. We suggest filling a shoe box with such items as Mars Bars, Travel Scrabble or Draughts or Chess, pack of playing cards. Sweets & Chocolate, Small Christmas Cakes, small tubes or pots of Tabasco, Marmite or Brown Sauce (very popular in spicing up dry rations), Frisbies, Tennis Balls, Packets of Balloons, Biros, Sports Magazines, Puzzle Books, Ginger Biscuits, Refresher Tissues, Small Pocket Torches and Xmas Cards for them to send, or indeed anything else which you would imagine you would have liked to receive.
The boxes or parcels should not weigh more than 2 kgs to go POST FREE.
Address to one of the camps listed below:-
A British Soldier (or Marine)
FOB Delhi or Inkerman or Sanguin or Dwyer
OP Herrick
BFPO 792
POST FREE Parcels should be sent at the LATEST in the first week in December. Parcels can still bee sent after the deadline but will be charged postage.
As many of the soldiers have no families and get nothing, it is worth adding on the left hand corner of the parcel- "Please give to a Soldier who has not been sent anything from home"....
Sex God
A great idea :thumbup:
Quote by Steve
A great idea :thumbup:

Sex God
And I've nicked the OP's post and posted it in a couple of other forums I use as well :-)
As many of the soldiers have no families and get nothing, it is worth adding on the left hand corner of the parcel- "Please give to a Soldier who has not been sent anything from home"....
Isn't it really sad to read that. Them poor soldiers out there who have no families sad
Warming the Bed
WOW...thx everyone!
I know this is a good old horny bunch....but great to hear all the compassion too .
Pls feel free to cut and paste it and use in ANY other forum B.B. you use.
Thx again.
i dont want to sound horrible but i was watching the news and another programe the other day and the forces were actually pleading for the public to NOT take notice of these requests.
they said that people sending out random shoe boxes full of stuff is actually causing problems, those who are hoping to recive letters parcels from parnters kids, parents are NOT getting through due to the back log of these types of gifts. dunno
i think the sugestion was to contribute more locally or donate to the poppy appeal etc.
xxx fem xxx
Was just going to say what a great idea but does anyone know if they really are being inundated or not? I'd love to do one from our household, but not if it's going to cause them more problems.
Mrs 777 xxxxxxxxxx
They say parcels to “a British soldier” clog up the mail system and delay prezzies from family.
The MoD also claims the extra load puts lives at risk as special trips must be made to deliver them to the front line.
It urges people to make donations to charities like the Royal British Legion that support servicemen and women instead.
taken from a site
Sex God
Quote by fem_4_taboo
i dont want to sound horrible but i was watching the news and another programe the other day and the forces were actually pleading for the public to NOT take notice of these requests.
they said that people sending out random shoe boxes full of stuff is actually causing problems, those who are hoping to recive letters parcels from parnters kids, parents are NOT getting through due to the back log of these types of gifts. dunno
i think the sugestion was to contribute more locally or donate to the poppy appeal etc.
xxx fem xxx

... and, remembering the evil world in which we live, what if there were "spoof" parcels sent containing "inappropriate" material? :scared:
In an attempt to get things through to troops with the best of intentions - swamped by sheer volume, those with evil intention could get past security systems in place more easily and cause absolute mayhem.
My apologies for what might seem a negative post, but there are many other ways of helping the effort with local contributions and the Poppy Appeal in a more controlled way.
It's not a qualification of Service to your Country to have no family. Our troops will have someone back home who will be remembering them this Christmas for sure and they will be well looked after by their comrades. :thumbup:
Sex God
I heard that as well, that they didn't want unnamed / rank parcels.
Found this:-
Army bans Christmas boxes from members of public to soldiers in Afghanistan
Oct 4 2008 By Craig McDonald
ARMY chiefs are banning members of the public from posting food parcels to troops in Afghanistan this Christmas.
Last year, thousands of gifts were sent to be shared between service personnel.
But this year only parcels from family and friends to named soldiers will be accepted by the British Forces Post Office.
The move is said to be due to the pressure this surge in extra mail puts on the MoD's delivery system.
As well as delaying mail from loved ones, it also causes problems for the supply of essentials such as ammunition, food and medical supplies to the frontline.
The extra mail also means more potentially dangerous helicopter flights.
Now members of the public who wish to continue to show their support are being asked to make donations to military charities instead.
In a statement, the MoD said the donations were "hugely appreciated" - but the volume of them caused problems for "operational effectiveness and safety".
They pointed out more than 21,000 sacks of mail - weighing more than 170 tonnes - were sent to Afghanistan in the two months before last Christmas.
Most of this was parcels and shoeboxes to unnamed troops. The MoD pointed out this delayed the delivery of personal mail - "of huge importance to those away from home for long periods, especially at Christmas".
And they added: "As much of this post must reach its final destination by helicopter, particularly in Afghanistan, extra flights mean extra danger for pilots and crews."
Vice Admiral Peter Wilkinson, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Personnel), said the "sheer volume of mail" - while kind - could delay letters from wives and children, which were "a huge boost to morale".
The MoD and asked wellwishers to donate to charities including UK4u Thanks! instead.
They provide a Christmas parcel for every serviceman and woman serving overseas on Christmas Day.
Other nominated charities include the Royal British Legion, Poppy scotland, SSAFA, Army Benevolent Fund and Help for Heroes.
In that case I'll put an extra couple quid in the poppy collection then. My own son is joining up in January, and I'd hate to think our parcels wouldn't reach him because of the 'un-named' ones, even if everyone sends them with the best of intentions.
Mrs 777 xxxxxxx
Sex God
Or better yet, write to your MP asking why the hell they are out there in the first place and that you request the troops be brought back home out of harm's way and be utilised for a more useful purpose.
Sex God
Quote by Peanut
Or better yet, write to your MP asking why the hell they are out there in the first place and that you request the troops be brought back home out of harm's way and be utilised for a more useful purpose.

and yet again another non-political thread goes political.....agenda's agenda's agends'a....
the OP started it with good intentions... others have advised that they are requesting people not do this for various reasons......
it was such a sensible thread up until then....
just let it be, or start another thread......
Sex God
Quote by Peanut
Or better yet, write to your MP asking why the hell they are out there in the first place and that you request the troops be brought back home out of harm's way and be utilised for a more useful purpose.

My thoughts exactly Peanut..
Can anyone explain why they are in Afghanistan in the first place? dunno
Sex God
Quote by fabio
Or better yet, write to your MP asking why the hell they are out there in the first place and that you request the troops be brought back home out of harm's way and be utilised for a more useful purpose.

and yet again another non-political thread goes political.....agenda's agenda's agends'a....
the OP started it with good intentions... others have advised that they are requesting people not do this for various reasons......
it was such a sensible thread up until then....
just let it be, or start another thread......
Don't talk bollocks. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with humanitarianism.
Unless of course you enjoy our lads getting killed and injured for no apparent reason.
The only people with the ability to get the lads and lasses home is the Government which is the (only) reason I suggested writing to your MPs.
PS There's no greengrocer's apostrophe in agendas. Just thought you like to know for future posts you are most likely to make.
Sex God
Quote by fabio
and yet again another non-political thread goes political.....agenda's agenda's agends'a....
the OP started it with good intentions... others have advised that they are requesting people not do this for various reasons......
it was such a sensible thread up until then....
just let it be, or start another thread......

So then, alerting people to the prospect of terrorist opportunism and stopping people unwittingly clogging up the system so that genuine stuff gets through is killing the thread?
I used to respect your posts Fabio, but this one takes the biscuit!
If you don't like the thread or the way its developing, perhaps you should start a different one. rolleyes
Quote by fabio
Or better yet, write to your MP asking why the hell they are out there in the first place and that you request the troops be brought back home out of harm's way and be utilised for a more useful purpose.

and yet again another non-political thread goes political.....agenda's agenda's agends'a....
the OP started it with good intentions... others have advised that they are requesting people not do this for various reasons......
it was such a sensible thread up until then....
just let it be, or start another thread......
I can't see what was wrong with the sentiment behind Peanut's post, to be honest.
Sex God
Quote by Freckledbird
Or better yet, write to your MP asking why the hell they are out there in the first place and that you request the troops be brought back home out of harm's way and be utilised for a more useful purpose.

and yet again another non-political thread goes political.....agenda's agenda's agends'a....
the OP started it with good intentions... others have advised that they are requesting people not do this for various reasons......
it was such a sensible thread up until then....
just let it be, or start another thread......
I can't see what was wrong with the sentiment behind Peanut's post, to be honest.
nor me :thumbup:
Sex God
Well at least the OP can be happy in the knowledge the thread started with the best of intentions ....
Sex God
I know how you like to spoil for an arguement.... I ain't going to bring myself down to your level....
so lets see exactly what has been asked....
the royal mailAND the army have requested that these type of packages not be sent out during November and December only..... as it allows familes with personnel out there to be able to get presents and packages......
I don't have a problem with that request...... it doesn't say it can't be done during the other 10 months of the fact I hope people DO do it in the other 10 months!!!
go back to the first 3 words the OP says......."this nothing political"
so what do you then go and do.... spout what you do.... "write to your MP ect ect.... "
so thanks for turning a well intentioned post into a political rant.......
oh... and just for "bolloxs" as you so kindly put it.... I am not a fan of yours either... in fact I try to avoid them as much as possible....
Sex God
So what you're saying is that it isn't a good idea to write to your MP to request their withdrawal?
And you also don't think it's supporting the troops to do such a thing?
I just want to be clear on what you are saying as at the moment all that's coming across is that you don't like me and that you think I have some agenda.
So far you've added nothing to this thread other than personal insult and paranoia, so it may behove you to change your direction as you're the one who has hijacked the thread for some reason known only to yourself.

ey! ey! come 'ead la! calm down.. . . calm down!
I have seen the exact same idea posted elsewhere. For reasons already outlined, the free postal service has been limited to friends and family only to the best of my knowledge.
From here:
Every Christmas the public donate gifts for those serving overseas, but the large number of packages can cause problems for friends and families sending cards and gifts to loved ones, and challenge operational effectiveness and safety.
The Ministry of Defence has introduced new controls on post after last year's festive period when, in the two months before Christmas, over 21,000 sacks of mail, weighing over 170 tonnes, were sent to Afghanistan alone. The majority of the mail was parcels generously donated to unnamed British Service personnel.
Such an enormous surge in the volume of post unintentionally puts a strain on the supply chain, diverting effort from making sure that essential combat supplies such as ammunition, medical supplies, food and equipment reach the front line. As much of this post must reach its final destination by helicopter, particularly in Afghanistan, extra flights mean extra danger for pilots and crews.
For these reasons, the Ministry of Defence, in partnership with British Forces Post Office, is limiting the free postal system only to friends and families, with mail only being accepted if to a named person.
Members of the public who wish to show their support, but who do not have someone specific to send a parcel to, are encouraged to donate to a range of charities including UK4U Thanks! - which provides a Christmas parcel for every serviceman and woman serving overseas on Christmas Day.

nice sentiment, but sending mail to "A Soldier" won't get delivered.
n x x x ;)
Sex God
I do so hope that this thread doesn't get pulled by the Mods for the reasons made by Peanut (in whom, interestingly, I rarely find a comfortable forum partner!)
I looked at Fabio's advert which has an interesting slant to it..
Quote by In Fabio's Advert he
Needs as update as I am a year older and a year wiser (well....the year wiser bit is up for debate)

and I would agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. :thumbup:
Perhaps Fabio could take that to a new thread and leave this one to deal with the important bit which the OP intended. wink

I love it! Let's use this whenever things get heated! lol
Warming the Bed
I am member of the Household Cavalry Bulletin Board and trust me this appeal was posted THIS MORNING by them. They DO get through. And, if you put your postal address on the box somewhere you will often get a letter from a gratefull trooper.
We have been sending them for ages.
Can you imagine being a 19 year old kid out there, getting your legs blown off and no one even sent you a f_cking Mars bar?
And you political ranters.... please find somewhere else to rant eh?
Quote by Cherrytree

I love it! Let's use this whenever things get heated! lol

I'm not sure about Nelly having his face pic quoted :shock:
Quote by Pegasus2006
And you political ranters.... please find somewhere else to rant eh?

Sex God
Quote by Pegasus2006
I am member of the Household Cavalry Bulletin Board and trust me this appeal was posted THIS MORNING by them. They DO get through. And, if you put your postal address on the box somewhere you will often get a letter from a gratefull trooper.
We have been sending them for ages.
Can you imagine being a 19 year old kid out there, getting your legs blown off and no one even sent you a f_cking Mars bar?
And you political ranters.... please find somewhere else to rant eh?

and not even a decent disability pension from HMG either...
Sex God
Quote by Pegasus2006
And you political ranters.... please find somewhere else to rant eh?

worship :worship: :worship:
hopefully "they" listen this time.......