£2.5 million divided by 20,000 members is £125 each - sounds bloody good value to me!!
Wouldn't fancy trying to fit 20,000 people on 20 acres of land. Maybe we could do a timeshare thing for it :lol2:
Could we declare independance and set our own taxes and alcohol duties?
Perhaps the stamps could show avatars instead of the Queens head?
Traffic wardens would have to be dressed in bondage gear to be able to CLAMP your car (geddit?).
For the S&M crew we could revive old political parties, such as the Whipps.
John & Shel
um.... being an artist-designer type person whose partner is a student, we're pretty dead broke!! But I can decorate and paint things and he can supply plenty o' reading material. He is reading De Sade right now which fits in. (he says it's schoolwork...).
off to pack my paintbrushes....la....
p.s.: can we put in a water slide??
The water slide is a definate yes surely!
I'm thinking knock down the house and bungalow and put up a giant bouncy castle! woo hoo :happy:
could be a real money spinner !!!
somewhere hot please
west indies maybe
My loose change is only its way.
well never mind the island, lets buy a ship !!!!
I prefer the thought of meeting rough saliors to rough soldiers !!!!