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Swingers pubs

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There are gay pubs, bikers pubs, goths pubs..why not swingers pubs. Where people could meet in a munch type environment...we could develop signals as the Gay community to indicate our preferences...Couples only, single girls/men only, soft swing, etc
Mind you..I bet they would be full of more single males than a Gay Club!!!
Seems to go along with the idea of a Swingers badge, to show your preferences descreetly. If you locate swinger friendly pubs in the south let me know smile
How about some sort of badge or ring or some thing like that!! that denotes you are a swinger, or a secret hand shake
Quote by Santino
How about some sort of badge or ring or some thing like that!! that denotes you are a swinger, or a secret hand shake

sounds more like the masons than swingers. Allthough i am sure the two bodies overlap.
Quote by Santino
How about some sort of badge or ring or some thing like that!! that denotes you are a swinger, or a secret hand shake

But then again,, part of the fantasy for some in meeting is the fact that theyenjoy the flirting in an enviroment where they could be caught don't you think???
Puts a little bit of a thrill into the scenario, however I do understand and think it would be nice to relax in a swing atmosphere as well!!
isn't it hanky in left back pocket = top
hanky in right back pocket = bottom
no hanky = switch
I think that's right but not 100% sure
Woah, it's scary the stuff you can find with Google.
Well, I dunno about the various gay haunts within the towns etc, but don't walk around a gay cruising/dogging site with your hands in your pants pockets.
You HAVE been warned ! ! ! !
Quote by JudyTV
A sign of the times?
Referring back to the signals and signs mentioned by prags, Roger and Tall_dark_n_havesome, that is purported to be used in the Gay community which I had heard of years ago and never took any notice of it then nor do I now really. I remember when it used to be your car keys hanging from your belt loop, if you had them on the left side it was supposed to indicate that you were gay, Then it was white socks with a pink line around the top. Well, I have to say I just don’t see any of, it whether keys or hankies when out and about in general life, whether within the gay community or the straight world. I’m not saying that these signs don’t exist, I’m sure they do, Its just that I didn’t, and still don’t see any of it. What I am saying is are they really used in practice and acted upon, or are they just there in the minds of a few and constructed by people outside of the Gay community as a …”I wish syndrome” invented by those that would like it to be so? I myself would love to be able to recognise certain things about my fellow swingers and bi friends but only if they wish me to know, a badge emblem or pin would do it for me.
So if I was going to post about it then I had to put it to the test, so I decided to have a closer look at it within the gay community itself. As some of you know, my playground and regular watering holes are the many bars and clubs situated within Manchester’s Gay Village which is arguably the Gay and Transgendered capital of the UK if not Europe, so here is the place to examine it in detail. I visit this area several times a week, sometimes as Judy and more rarely as Judy’s alter ego. Last night being Saturday was of course busy with people from all walks of life including Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgendered (LBGT) and straight people of all sexes and persuasions enjoying themselves and all mixing amiably. As I navigated down Canal Street from bar to bar I kept my eyes open for the alleged multi coloured hankies hanging from supposedly various pockets, result? Sorry but I didn’t see any really there was the odd guy blowing his nose but most of these were using tissues anyway. The nearest I came to it was girl with a blue hankie obviously trying to get something out of a guys eye outside of the kebab house. So is it true, do we have and use these signs ? I am aware there is a web site with all this information on it, but then there are a lot of web sites with lots of information about certain life styles. There are even some web sites that purport to be swingers sites, but I only use this one.
If its different in other towns and cities then it would be nice to know. When I told my TVfriend last night what I was doing while having a drink in my favourite bar she looked at me over her little gold framed glasses and said,…. “ Judy hun, if you cant spot a Gay guy in a Gay bar in a Gay area with his lips pursed and smiling sweetly at you without the need for a fxxxxxx blue hankie at your age then you aint never gona get a shag hunni. :small-print: ” So, If you see me with a little blue hankie at the next munch it means I have nothing booked up for later. I think you will be able to spot me, blue hankie or not. I will be the one that is a guy dressed as a girl snogging all and everyone, I have no prejudices but I am not too fond of beards wink . Just a little bit of Sunday humour :P .
I still think a discrete little swingers pin would be a nice concord.
If there was such a thing as a swingers bar then curiosity alone would fill it to the rafters.
Judy TV

As usual Judy - a wonderful post.. Just one thing though...
I have no prejudices but I am not too fond of beards :winkBugger - I'll have to shave the goatee off
I too would like to know about these "gay signals" :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
A swingers pub is a nice idea, but I think it would end up like a lot of gay pubs and clubs have - full of straights either having a ganders at the "freak show" or youngsters thinking they are "cool" cos they have gay "friends" rolleyes . In fact, I've noticed it in swingers clubs occassionally - lads (usually) joining up to have a laugh at the swingers. It is only very occassionally though, club staff tend to be very good at getting rid of potential trouble cool
Funny about "young" lads, we had 3 in the layby a week ago being a right nuisance.
Shouts of "is it gay night tonight then" and driving up and down...very gobby, until a tv went and talked to them.
Quote by roger743
Woah, it's scary the stuff you can find with Google.

how on earth can anyone remember all those codes
and anyway what if the colour clashed with what I was wearing?
I'll stick with white!!!
goes back to check what white means!
So why dont we start a signal ....
Any suggestions??
It would need to be suitable for both men and women..
need to reflect preferences, ie Couples only, men only, ladies only,
I suggest a password on "Did I meet you at Mark and Helen Heaven's". A positive response would confirm. and need to say Munch rules apply!
So shall we start something???
Quote by gilbert
Woah, it's scary the stuff you can find with Google.

how on earth can anyone remember all those codes
and anyway what if the colour clashed with what I was wearing?
I'll stick with white!!!
goes back to check what white means!
White, would mean you masturbate (no offence mate, just the code, hehe) One thing I notice, how come there nearly twice as many men codes than ones for ladies?
Is it we just more adventurous? Or women do this weird thing called talking we never mastered? lol
Quote by tallnhairy
Woah, it's scary the stuff you can find with Google.

how on earth can anyone remember all those codes
and anyway what if the colour clashed with what I was wearing?
I'll stick with white!!!
goes back to check what white means!
White, would mean you masturbate (no offence mate, just the code, hehe) One thing I notice, how come there nearly twice as many men codes than ones for ladies?
Is it we just more adventurous? Or women do this weird thing called talking we never mastered? lol
noticed that TnH confused
so we all got white then , as well as whatever we prefer?
I`m all for a secret signal if, like the masons, it means I can get my plumbing done for free, and Mars can get let off of his parking tickets! biggrin
Quote by Santino
How about some sort of badge or ring or some thing like that!! that denotes you are a swinger, or a secret hand shake

How about a badge for Full Swinging Couples saying: