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Swingers stories

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Am I alone in finding the subject of some of the stories posted distasteful at best and perverse at worst. I always scan a new story for content before committing to read it in full and have found recent stories about having sex with your mother, your sister and now, heaven forbid, your own kids. I can't help thinking that this has nothing to do with swinging which I believed was the purpose of this site.
If there is a particular story or stories that are offensive, the best thing to do is alert a moderator via a PM.
The mods can't be everywhere and things like stories do tend to get overlooked.
Perhaps if this is becoming a regular problem, one of the team could look into 'pre-modding' stories? I'm sure a couple of trusted volunteers would screen them for the unacceptable elements you mention before they are allowed to go 'live'.
I do agree about the recent story but didn't like to voice my opinion on for fear of crossing the line - but each to their own. Some other stuff there isn't to my liking either but we can't all find all things an attraction. Difficult situation - but perhaps illegal stuff shouldn't be allowed???
Oh er... am glad I'm not Mark or a mod!!
I think the more sensible people who appreciate Mark's hard work really should stand up and be his eyes and ears. The amount of work he puts into this site - for no pay whatsoever! - really does need to be supported by us folks with a little more time on our hands than he has. Remember, he's 'with child' (or rather Helen is) and really doesn't need silliness like this!
Personally, I don't look at the Stories section that often.... mostly because they are on the whole complete self indulgent semi-literate tosh. But I will now make a point of it as it seems we have attracted the attentions of a writer whose personal judgement is flawed.
Now you see, as a 'hanger' (copyright Petelkh) I always look at the stories to see what I'm missing!!! Often, not much, but sometimes a story just works for me, so I pass on the goodness. I'm all for spreading a bit of peace, love and joy around. lol
Hadn't read the story in question, and now I know what's in it have no desire to.
Different people are always going to have different opinions about what is acceptable and what isn't, but given the category title the contents should surely follow Mark's "consenting adults" definition, which would (thankfully) rule out stuff like underage, , "goats" etc.
Mark, maybe a clearer "guidelines" intro instead of
"The bottom line is that this section of the site is here to allow you the free expression to let your minds run wild"
would make people think more about what they write, in terms of the audience they're writing for?
Not sure that Jags's "illegal" criterion would work because of this country's prudish "public decency" (and other) laws...My forthcoming Chapter 2 will definitely break them! wink
Mark's site: Mark's criteria - but having said that I'm pretty sure that most people will agree with him.
Geoff - I think 'offending public decency' isn't an issue here lol I meant the laws about underage, non-consensual, etc. I'm all for being public indecent, in a discreet behind a large tree fashion you understand!!
ive asked mark if he wishes me to be a Moderator i know i am new to this site but now visit 2/3 times a day to search new add`s forum and such....
so if mark accepts me please feel free to pm me and i will take a look at the post i think it also should be a joint decision to remove on certain issues but all offensive items would be removed instant
Personally, I don't look at the Stories section that often.... mostly because they are on the whole complete self indulgent semi-literate tosh.

I know I am new to all this, and I don't want to sound out of order, but that kind of comment will stop any stories being posted at all!
Surely the whole theme of this site, with people posting piccies of themselves (btw Heather... you are HOT wink), and arranging meets, is all about self indulgence and the indulgence of others?
The stories get hundreds of hits so someone likes 'em!
Yeah, point taken, Mac.
It wasn't meant with a great deal of seriousness and sometimes my humour is a little too inaccessible - which is a polite way of saying sometimes I'm not funny.
Whilst trying not to give too much personal stuff away, I make my living from writing and part of my job is to wade through pieces of work by amatuer writers. After a while, pretty much like bashing your head against a brick wall, it stops having an effect. If you're in my position, certain things leap out at you and slap you round the face - most often those same things pass by the casual reader.
That is not to say there are some fine - and I strongly suspect professionals 'having a busman's holiday' - pieces of work in there. And I'm sure some people get an awful lot of pleasure out of them. But like any other 'Slush pile' as they are known, experience tells me 90 percent of it will not do anything for me for all the reasons above.
Sorry... sad
Quote by Jags
Geoff - I think 'offending public decency' isn't an issue here lol I meant the laws about underage, non-consensual, etc.

Yes, Jags, I do know what you meant, but it would still mean picking and choosing which laws to apply. For example, AFAIK anal sex remains technically illegal whether m or f , as do many of the "gay" laws such as group sex (even in private) - remember the Bolton 7 case about 5 years ago?
Also, again AFAIK, and necrophilia are not actually illegal!
Much of this will change with the new "sex offences bill"
OH dear, I've come over all pedantic again...sorry!
Nice thistle! biggrin
My two pence on this issue:
I don't think stories should not be excluded JUST because they depict illegal acts (as liberated, intelligent open minded people, we know that the law's an ass wink ) - if that happened there's be a ban on dogging and cottaging stories, any story that depicted sex between men where there is watchers, and god knows what else (any legal eagles around???). There's a difference between "illegal" and "ILLEGAL". I think stories that are depicting technically illegal but "victimless crimes" are fine - we should embrace them :wink: , it is the stories that depict victimisation (e.g. , sex with animals, sex with kids etc etc) that should be banned.
OK, some of us may find some topics that are not victimisation depictions, slightly distasteful. I personally find watersports and stories depicting it distasteful but do not slur anyone else for being into it - each to thier own. Stories that could possibly be found distasteful to some should not be banned or else no-one would post in fear of offending! We all have our kinks :twisted: after all, and we all shoudl be able to express them provided as I said before it doesn't involve victimising someone else.
Just a few thoughts!
Couldn't have put it better myself!
As you say, we all have our kinks, and not everyone approves of them (as a bi?male I can give plenty personal examples of prejudices) but as long as no-one is being hurt or coerced, what harm is being done?
Does that sound defensive? - I don't mean it that way.
No probs Heather.
I can totally see your point if you kind of do the reading thing for a living.
I have always loved reading erotic stories, especially real ones, so I would not like peple to stop posting that's all.
Regarding the original query of offensive matieral - "Women on Top" by Nancy Friday (I think) is an amazingly erotic book, of which I have read from cover to cover several times, with most stories being fantasy (but with real stuff along the way).
There are an awful lot of stories in that book that describe activities that are illegal, stories involving animals, and yes, underrage stuff too, all you can think of - but it is all contained in a book freely available - and all contributed by women.
Those stories that may offend, you don't read... simple!
It usually doesn't take too long into the story to see which way it is going. I must admit though, that the story mentioned involving , was not my cup of tea at all, but I do believe it does go on.
But, this is a swinging and dogging site, so maybe that story does not really have a place here.
Wow seems like I opened a bit of a can of worms, wasn't intended!!
A couple of points, firstly I and most other users of this site are not prudes and what goes on between consenting adults, whether illegal ( in the eyes of the law) or otherwise is acceptable to me, secondly, a comment was made about the "stories getting lots of hits so someone must like them", you can't tell the content of a story until you open it, thus constituting a 'hit'. Maybe a rating system might help, if a story is good then rate it, if it isn't then don't.
Its easy for me to sit here saying this as I don't have the problem of dealing with it, I would like to say though that the administrators do a great job and long may you reign.
Well, the can of worms is well and truly open, and squirming!
Macman -are you saying that stories depicting and are any more acceptable if they are written by women, or have I missed the point there?
Victor drags out his soap box on this one?
Consent…to have agreement..
Adult…a mature person
The terms together imply that the person, or persons have reached an acceptable age to comply with agreeable likes. We may not like some of the things others find enjoyable, it does not mean they are wrong. The human brain has so many microscopic and electrical connections during growth, it takes but a few for the person to be anything from what we class as the way of how they should be. However if a person applies undue pressure, be it peer pressure or none understandable pressure upon someone who does not wish it, or fully be aware of the end results it is then seen as morally wrong.
Moral…a pert to right and wrong conduct.
I do not dislike anyone who has different sexual preferences to me. I am not scared, intimidated or shocked at anyone who enjoys the same sex relationship. Most women/girls bond with each other from a young age, and can be seen walking hand in hand, or arm in arm from early life. Men are bonding all the time; you see it on football and on most sports fields. We have to accept that we are all on one universal path, and along the way we take a turn somewhere and go the way we feel. This is our path, our moral path. If it is different to the supposed norm, as we as SUPPOSED to follow, then often we can be out-casted. I see so many people suffering when they ' come out ', when it is not really anybody's right to know your preferences? Just because I like to dress in a German WWII helmet, have wet leather TIGHT shorts on, psychedelic tights and river fishing wellies on with pink custard in the left one and chocolate in the right, it does not mean I have to be open and tell all?
In my head I can see how these things are made to happen, but sometimes it is just wrong. Sometimes it is a problem that really needs addressing because it abhors us.
Abhor…to loath.
To me a child has not yet experienced its path. It is happily skipping along the way, enjoying life as it comes. It asks many questions and seeks knowledge. For anyone to take advantage of this is not really acceptable at all. To take innocence from a child is like many of these things that are so wrong. You cannot scale things to a set score of badness, say murder and etc. When I say NO to the offer of a bar of chocolate, it does NOT mean I will take it…period. If someone forces it upon me they are invading my personal rights. If I cannot defend myself then it is even more of an infringement of my civil rights. Murder is killing someone who did not ask to die, is forcing YOUR sexual pleasure upon someone who did not consent to its action, and taking the innocence from a child is something that as a grown man makes me cry. There must therefore be a line to acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. I think despite the fact that we are more liberal, more open in our self rights, be it gay or so called straight, it is still wrong for the odd few to do the things they feel are ok for them, but is clearly not in any way acceptable as normal to many?
I don't read a huge number of the stories, but I do scan through and pick out the ones which grab my interest. I have not read the one which was the original subject
Phrase I have use before - I draw my own line in the sand. I am not turned on by anything to do with violence, consensual or otherwise, destruction of innocence (well said overthehill), or the use of bodily wastes. And probably a whole list of others.
But I can (badly) write a story about being gaffer taped to a desk and tricked into having sex with two men. - and giggle about it. Despite the rather strong feelings I would have if it actually happened to me.
Double standards? Guilty.
This forum is a very open and tolerant society. And we all enjoy and explore that freedom.
However, it is not compleatly free, it it was we would all probably bugger off pretty sharpish. We like it here because the rules suit us.
It would be a shame if stories had to be moderated before appearing, but unfortunately seems to be necessary.
I keep wanting to say - censorship - which is what we are talking about. But it is such an emotive word!
Yes, it's all about emotion. *goes to look up emotion in dictionary*
Night all
x xx
Well, its all gone very heavy, now, hasn't it? :cry:
But this is exactly what happens when one apple starts to rot.
For those of you that didn't read the story is question, take it from me as I HAVE read it, you really don't want to see it as example of what this site is about.
I think rather than get bogged down in rhetoric about censorship, a little focus on the facts might help.
Fact: At the time I was alerted to that story, the 'hit' counter had reached 720. This is way in excess of most of the hits to threads on this forum. 720 people went away thinking the content of that story was endorced by the people who use and construct this site.
Personally, I can't give a monkeys about spelling, grammer or syntax but when people go off thinking I'm okay with the incestuous and paedaphiliac nature of that story it becomes *my* problem too! We aren't talking about a bit of titilation taken a bit too far... trust me. We are talking *bang out of order* with regard to that story.
I really don't want to be in Mark's shoes as he reads all these posts. He must be pulling his hair out.
That's far too much pontificating from me... from now on I shall only talk about silly things wink
OK.. a silly question - what is the recommended etiquette for an early morning sexual encounter??? Getting up first to brush teeth and wash interesting bits (and then can't really snog) or just going for it???
I can't imagine wanting to snog without having had my teeth brushed or HIM having had his teeth brushed.
*goes to brush teeth now...*
PS - I still think that 'heavy' threads are very useful, interesting and enlightening.
Macman -are you saying that stories depicting and are any more acceptable if they are written by women, or have I missed the point there?

I did wonder when I mentioned "all written by women" that it may lead to people thinking the wrong thing. But no. Of course it doesn't make it right.
The point I was making that this book is sold on the fact that all the fantasies are written entirely by women and for women.
It does mention in that book that a big fantasy for many women is that of being . Now obviously, it needs to stay a fantasy but nonetheless that is what the book states.
You really need to get the book to see the context in how its all written. I was just illustrating the point that these things, which are obviously illegal in videos and the like, are freely written about in books that can be purchased in all good book shops (and some rubbish ones too!)
Hope that clears it up!
Macman - there's a very basic and obvious difference between " " as fantasy and real - that is, the fantasizer can take the " " scenario as far as he or she wants to go with it, while the victim has absolutely no choice in whatever happens to him/her. Fantasizing about being "made" to perform certain sexual acts are a continuum of the dom/sub games that a lot of people play - some people just like more extreme forms of subbing than othes do. Writing stories that involve dom/sub scenarios are fine, I find a lot of this kind of thing erotic myself wink , whereas writing about real and real victims certainly is not.
Jags - regarding your early morning sex problem. I don't think I would bother with the brushing personally, go with the flow :wink:
Exactly right, Blue. In Dom/Sub roles there's always a "safe word" to use.
Very topical subject actually, cos just 3 days ago a 15 yr old girl was in a park just half a mile from my flat, by a guy she met in a chatroom, and a recent fantasy of mine involves what I would do to the guy if I caught him. Tied up in a cell full of hungry rats is the favourite at present, but other suggestions welcome.
Geoff - glad it's not just me who fantasises about what I'd like to do if I caught a / , my fantasises on that topic are definately unsuitable to submit to the story section evil
There is a very tangible line between fantasy and dreams. I have the most bizarre fantasies when deep in a sexual situation but reality soon breaks in. Being 'forced' is a well known fantasy that has been written about by both males and female (eyes up Pete's Office Mendacity!!) but I would really hate to be actually forced into doing anything, never mind give in to another sexually.
So.. one vote for NOT brushing teeth - thanks, I'll try it and report back smile
x xx
Getting up first to brush teeth

I just get Mrs Pete to leave hers in the glass at the side of the bed
(Please please please please please please please PLEASE don't anyone tell her this is here, otherwise it will be my manhood in a glass by the side of the bed, Mrs P has all her own teeth and very nice they are too)
Where is the very scared emoticon?
I think rather than get bogged down in rhetoric about censorship, a little focus on the facts might help.

oops, sorry Heather, I was not clear. Censorship is a neutral word that has a bad press. Anything associated with it seems to automatically be labled a bad thing. I was trying to give a name to what we seemed to be skirting around but not quite willing to say.
All communities will eventually develop there own set of rules, boundaries, etiquette, whatever you want to call them. We already have them here.
720 people went away thinking the content of that story was endorced by the people who use and construct this site.

This sums up how I would feel about the issue.
I have not read it, and had not intended to, having read what you and others are saying. I decided to trust your judgement.
I fully support your position on this, and should avoid going round the houses and be more direct in what I say.
I was trying to comment on the issue generally, and on how I felt we were approaching it, not the story specifically.
Consider me suitably un-bogged.
Enema received and understood. lol