Well, i'm quite shocked! When i knew the Mirror was writing about swinging in todays issue, i thought "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."
So out of curiosity, i bought it this morning to read on my way to work. And i have to admit, i was pleasantly surprised! its talking about a Swinging Hotel in Leicester (You lucky sods!!) and its quite a nice article!! Or so i thought.
Has anyone else seen it? and if so, what are your views?
Here is the article. I agree Daz and Lou, not too bad.
A decent article for once,makes a change there.
I read it waiting for the "but then we exposed the truth....." revelation but it was refreshing to see that there wasn't one.
A decent interview/feature which seems neither for/against swinging but instead gives a snapshot.......I'm pleasantly surprised.
Im actually quite surprised at how good this article is,nothing like a bit of free advertising for the mentioned club though :!: :!: :!: :!:
I was really suprised reading that article. Makes a refreshing change to the previous journalistic efforts (thats being polite) ive read before.
Vicky xxx
Of course, the article might have been totally different if they had spotted some celebrity there.......