it seems that every time we find an event we want to attend its at the wrong time of the month. Chemical intervention isnt an option, so do i go and only have pants on fun? or is there an other option? i think ive read somewhere that you can use a sponge but has anyone actually tried that?
of course im due on the day after valentines day so whats the betting it comes early!!
Personally, I wouldn't play at all even when I knew it was due. Someone left a big stain on my quilt cover at a party we hosted, earlier in the night people were going down on her. I'd be mortified!!
Never heard about a sponge but I don't believe that there would be no mess at all so I'd say that if you must play at that time of the month, above pants play should be the limit ... In my opinion.
Someone we know uses one of when she plays on cam, and you'd never know. But it probably wouldn't be any use for penetrative play.
Perhaps there are some people who will be put off by your red days., but some of us would adore it!
It's totally natural and is part of you, simply another fluid. It avoids the use of lube and frankly the ladies I have been with
during their period, have had "deeper" orgasms and as an added benefit your period usually finishes earlier (due to your muscle use)
I'm sure there is a group on here that caters for Red fun.
Please feel free to message us if you wish discuss this more
D & A
"In the short summer night she learnt so much. She would of thought a woman would of died of shame. Instead of which, the shame died."
- D.H. Lawrence
I've heard it spoken of, the inserted sponge that is, by some working girls who prefer not to miss work. In actual fact they could be missing a trick, pardon the pun, because there are guys out there who would seek the opportunity to be with her at this time of the month.
However, as 'Laine said, and as Miss Very pointed out, you are likely to be among some strangers, and unsuspecting folks; sharing facilities, and risking making a mess in someone else's property, not to mention the increased risk of infections. Mostly it would probably just make you, and some others, feel uncomfortable. There's not the slightest doubt that a whole bunch of guys would still want to play, regardless, but even those who genuinely care about you will have their own opinions, and preferences, regarding playing at that time of the month.