We watched Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends the other night and it was all about swinging.
Basically Louis wanted to go to a swinging party.
You can watch it here but it is 48 mins long so I'll leave it up to you.
There was also an interview on This Morning a while back
We were thinking that whenever swinging is featured on TV, they always seem to do it with a hint of sarcasm and ridicule. The interview on This Morning was handled well but they don't portray us in the best light.
They always seem to show older/larger/not so attractive couples. I know that for some, looks/age/size are not important and they like to play with people they have got to know and find the attraction there, but for others these things are important.
The way that we see these type of interviews (and think that the outside world would too) is that swingers are all unattractive, older people who would shag anyone. Do you agree?
Do you think that the way we are portrayed on TV would put curious people off living this lifestyle?