So, for those that did indulge pre internet, what was it like, how did you meet like minded friends?????
Personally, my ex and I (and i'm talking late 80's / very early 90's) used to both have sex with other people, on our own and together, but this was just called 'shagging around', lol, and happened after boozy nights round town.
So how did YOU get into it, especially if pre internet??
A couple we know used contact magazines and arranged meet at things like holiday camps as well. As for us we just talked about what each of us wanted out of sex and went from there. It came after some really sad/bad happened though (nothing involving others)and so we ended up swinging which was both at the time a practical and enjoyable solution. Nowadays though not the same needs maybe but the fun is still there :cool:
I was introduced to it by my Aunty ,i used to babysit for her and when her and her friends came home after a night out one time they went to bed with each others husbands ,being 16 i wasn't supposed to notice, when i questioned her the next day she told me that thats what they liked and no one got hurt ,this went on for a couple of years and then her my uncle split (he went totaly to the Darkside)and she asked me if i wanted to go to ma party with her,my first experiance was with an old woman (32) i laugh about it now "as i stopped chooseing and started begging years ago",after that i was invited to lots of gatherings .
i asked my Aunt how it all started and she said some of her older friends had got together during the war (ww2) when their men were away to relive their needs and would get any avaliable men to join in descretly.
I think the only difference to us was using snail mail and hard copy pics insted of internet jpegs etc., It was more drawn out and time consuming. But we thought and were thought of as very outlandish . but used to wait with baited breath for the lastest issue of the contact mag to come out. I still have the pics we used in the ads. Happy days. LOL
adendum........... I just had a look at that slim hansome guy who used to swing. And to think that in those day I could actually leap over the door of the car and slide down into the seat in one easy movement. Now I have to climb in and use a lever to get
Pre internet I used rendezvous and some other contact mags for swinging. I also used vanilla dating agencies as well.
People got quite a lot more idea about you from your handwriting as well as your line of chat.
You knew that your letter would get to the advertisers and that you were one of a few and more likely to get a chance.
So in those days I did okay.