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Swinging Suggestion By Him or Her?

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Swinging Suggestion Initiated by Him or Her?

With new members joining (everyday??) the forum to gain more insight into the world of swinging from regular swingers, I thought it might be more interesting to start more of the ‘swinging themed’ threads.
Okay I have noticed that every now and then, we get this thread from men expressing his desire to try out swinging but desperately needs advice on how to approach their partners etc confused so I thought, why not a poll to see a vote pattern.
Please note however it’s not always necessary to post a comment with each vote …PLEASE JUST VOTE, unless you feel it can offer useful perspective to the ‘would be’ swinger. I may even start another thread about strategies used by seasoned swingers to get into swinging.
i would say that the slightly vanila border line wanna be swingers its ALWAYS the men
i think in the club scene its the woman that has the bigger opinion and or the final say