As you've probably guessed i'm quite new to this site, although I feel like i'm settling in ok and I've had loads of replies to my ads. I'm still not sure as to what i'm looking for.
I've had loads of ideas, although probably not good ones lol
Do you think it would be a good idea and do able if I meet a single bi female or even a by curious one (like myself) to meet just as friends.... and then go to a public meet/club or munch?
I really want to do this but as i've never met anyone before i'm a bit dubious, especially after some of the stories i've been told about males posing to be singles etc etc
lol You're probs sick of me asking all these questions and I apologise in advance lol
Any ideas offers...
please post on here as my mailbox is getting continuously over run and its starting to feel like a chore to check it now lol
(Dont you just hate it when you get one of those wink things to check out someones profile and all they've got on is their age (no pics of further info)? grrrr
curvster xxx
Well you sort of answered your own question really.... Going to a few Munches and socials would help you make up your mind without any pressure.. As scary as some people might seem so far they have been more than friendly, to us anyway. If they can manage us they can manage you easily and there are loads of single Fems on here to offer support if you try one... A social that is lol!!
best thing is to try and have fun...... No one can make you do anything your not happy with.
Mike xx
Are you the one on the right or the left Meat2pleaseU?
Cheers Gem you sound great... shame youre so far away *stamps feet* lol
Although everyone is on here really.
And you too sassy... there aint much going on in cumbria.
None of my friends know i'm doing this, to be honest i think they'd be quiet disgusted... i've mentioned it a few times after a few drinks and all i got was "ewwww no!! i couldnt do that!"
ISo i'd have to travel to pretty much anywhere....
I do think its a good idea though to go with a female as a friend to a club first time (you never know what could happen lol) but i think it would be more comfortable.
If after getting to know yous for a bit you'd fancy a night out sometime let me know and i'll book a hotel (so i can have a drink!!) and i'll come down sometime serious.
Be great to make new friends too on this scene as up here i feel a bit abnormal lol
curvster xxx
didn't know your hidden camera could pick up sound Sassy, if I'd known I'd have taken requests.
lots of good advice in here curvy, slowlee slowlee catchee monkey, and above all don't rush headlong into anything you are not completely sure about. Remember it is your party and your rules
A person who retires from society and lives in solitude; a recluse
Due to illness though among other reasons
curvy gal im close to you and would love to chat or accompany you
check out my profile im honest and trustworthy and about 7 miles from you and like you none of my friends know im doing this either
i need someone in the same frame of mind to chat with
im nr caldbeck my msn is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you want to chat sometime
Mods Edit - personal contact details removed, please contact via this site
Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch!....wooooohoooooooo..........really enjoyed our first we hungry for more....HLB can you be our hand holder agian pwetty remeber to stay away from beer at the next one tho......
do many peeps fall asleep at they`re first munch?!.......heard that sonia pulled tho pmsl lol :giggle: