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Sycophants United

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Just looked up this word in the dictionary:
syc‧o‧phant  /ˈsɪkəfənt, -ˌfænt, ˈsaɪkə-/
a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

—Synonyms toady, yes man, flunky, fawner, flatterer.

And now I want to pose the question.. if someone agrees with a statement made by someone else does that make them a sycophant??
And if that's the case does that make all the members of any political party you care to name sycophants cos they voted for the leader??
Are all votes equal???
Just meanderings and mutterings of the mind this lovely Wednesday morning.
Personal opinion alert. biggrin
If somebody agrees with a point because they actually just agree with it, then they aren't a sycophant. However if somebody often agrees with a point(s) in an attempt to curry favour, to appear different to what they are or to falsely flatter somebody then they are a sycophant. To me the most offensive kind is somebody who creeps to a person of apparent 'higher status' and is only ever self-serving.
I'm sure there are a hell of a lot of sycophants in politics, I always watch Question Time and Harriet Harman springs immediately to mind. I can't stand her because she is a sycophant. It's like she can't think for herself, keeps quoting Blair like a robot.
"“If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere  - Abraham Lincoln
Quote by Jags
Just looked up this word in the dictionary:
syc‧o‧phant  /ˈsɪkəfənt, -ˌfænt, ˈsaɪkə-/
a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

—Synonyms toady, yes man, flunky, fawner, flatterer.

And now I want to pose the question.. if someone agrees with a statement made by someone else does that make them a sycophant??
And if that's the case does that make all the members of any political party you care to name sycophants cos they voted for the leader??
I suppose a PC answer to the politicians question, would be "Not if they voted for them to be leader because they thought he/she would be the best person for the job"
It would tho' be sycophantic to then agree with all policies and decisions because the "leader" said so.

Are all votes equal???
Only if cast in a secret ballot or at least kept private to the individual
Just meanderings and mutterings of the mind this lovely Wednesday morning.
I often flatter people. Does that make me a sycophant ? (but I'd have to look in my big book of words to find the meaning of servile) redface
There are very few things that I actually hate but two things I do hate, and with a passion are touched on in this post.
Sycophantic - ness surprisedops:
Thankfully I see not a lot of either here.
Lovely Wednesday morning ???????
I'm sick as a parrot cos I was looking forward to getting out for coffee and cakeybun with someone I've been wanting to meet, but can't :sad:
Quote by Kiss
Personal opinion alert. biggrin
If somebody agrees with a point because they actually just agree with it, then they aren't a sycophant. However if somebody often agrees with a point(s) in an attempt to curry favour, to appear different to what they are or to falsely flatter somebody then they are a sycophant. To me the most offensive kind is somebody who creeps to a person of apparent 'higher status' and is only ever self-serving.
I'm sure there are a hell of a lot of sycophants in politics, I always watch Question Time and Harriet Harman springs immediately to mind. I can't stand her because she is a sycophant. It's like she can't think for herself, keeps quoting Blair like a robot.

I agree. Hazel Blears is even worse!
I want to become a sycophant. redface
What sort of sycophant would you like me to be? lol
I would't have thought simply agreeing with someone makes one a sycof..psychfan... one oe those things!
Agreeing/supporting that view/person for personal gain, to be SEEN to be doing so and curry favour for personal gain is... I think...
& I agree whole-heartedly with aaalll thats said above!
And whatever else you might say also!
Quote by MikeNorth
Personal opinion alert. biggrin
If somebody agrees with a point because they actually just agree with it, then they aren't a sycophant. However if somebody often agrees with a point(s) in an attempt to curry favour, to appear different to what they are or to falsely flatter somebody then they are a sycophant. To me the most offensive kind is somebody who creeps to a person of apparent 'higher status' and is only ever self-serving.
I'm sure there are a hell of a lot of sycophants in politics, I always watch Question Time and Harriet Harman springs immediately to mind. I can't stand her because she is a sycophant. It's like she can't think for herself, keeps quoting Blair like a robot.

I agree. Hazel Blearsis even worse!
I'm not sure what's worse, her nasal whine or her inability to think for herself. I've noticed that she never actually answers a question, she simply repeats the current party line like a mantra, almost word for word everytime she repeats it. confused
The art of a politician is to be sincere..........................even when they don't mean it!
Not my thoughts just a mangled quote from somebody whose name I can't remember redface
I would like to agree with what has been written here but am worried that I may come across as sychophantic!
I would like to disagree with what has been written here but am worried that I may come across as aggressive!
I would like to sit on the fence about what has been written here but am worried that I may come across as undecided.
dunno :dunno: :happy:
Welcome to my world!
It's a tiny corner in the smallest room in my world... but it needs airing now and then!!
Quote by Stormwalker

:happy: :happy:
I hate the whole fecking lot of them... Jessa Towel, Bargaret Meckett, and that bloody awful Hatricia Pewitt to name a few more...
Every junior minister in this awful Government seems to be a woman.. placed there to be as obnoxious as possible and rub our noses in it...
Quote by GnV
I hate the whole fecking lot of them... Jessa Towel, Bargaret Meckett, and that bloody awful Hatricia Pewitt to name a few more...
Every junior minister in this awful Government seems to be a woman.. placed there to be as obnoxious as possible and rub our noses in it...

And what's wrong with women in Government???
Quote by Jags
I hate the whole fecking lot of them... Jessa Towel, Bargaret Meckett, and that bloody awful Hatricia Pewitt to name a few more...
Every junior minister in this awful Government seems to be a woman.. placed there to be as obnoxious as possible and rub our noses in it...

And what's wrong with women in Government???
Nothing.... Margaret Thatcher was the best woman politician of all time... Indira Ghandi was another
At one time they were know as 'fartcatchers', the description is self explanatory. rolleyes
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:
Quote by MikeNorth
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:
Quote by MikeNorth
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:

Toady rolleyes
Quote by dambuster
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:

Toady rolleyes
What a polite way of putting it LOL
Quote by Jags
Just looked up this word in the dictionary:
syc‧o‧phant  /ˈsɪkəfənt, -ˌfænt, ˈsaɪkə-/
a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

—Synonyms toady, yes man, flunky, fawner, flatterer.

And now I want to pose the question.. if someone agrees with a statement made by someone else does that make them a sycophant??
And if that's the case does that make all the members of any political party you care to name sycophants cos they voted for the leader??
Are all votes equal???
Just meanderings and mutterings of the mind this lovely Wednesday morning.
Noooooooooooooooo it doesnt necessarily make you a sycophant just because you agree with something.
there has to be a couple of other core ingredients..
1) the person with whom you agree has to be someone of importance, percieved or otherwise
2) The agreement must be because the agreeing party wants to do so to either gain favour (sometimes in the eyes of onlookers) or points (with whoever)by being seen to agree..... as defined by the term a "yes man", "arse kissers" , "brown nosers" etc
for example.... if a post is put on here by someone "popular" and some other member seeks to agree just on the basis of the status of the poster, or because they want to be accepted into the "clique".......
anyhow Jags...... u know what i mean........ we see it often enough here........
politics is full of em too...........but i dont think the examples that you cite are true examples...
try for example the politician who votes/ supports the war but doesnt really agree with it....
Quote by MikeNorth
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:

rotflmao :rotflmao:
Quote by MikeNorth
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:

there you go jags...................
a prime example.................of arse kissing!!!!!
Quote by DeeCee
Jags, may I just say what a brilliant idea of yours this thread has been. Poignant, pertinent, and cutting through to the very essence of our lives. Your musings will go down in SH history as some of the most excellent, most memorable, and most witty ever.
And thank you for asking us, Your Jagsness. worship :worship:

there you go jags...................
a prime example.................of arse kissing!!!!!
As was that???
I was gonna say that but I'm far to polite rolleyes