totally different for a man but i have met some one i know nothing about from a chat room before after chatting to them for a couple of hours
and i must admit i kept feeling in the back of my mind that am i mad?
well cut a long storty short the woman i met was really cool got on like a house on fire and had lts of fun
so i dont think u r mad
anyway hope u had a good time lol
Most strangers in the world are probably normal people just like yourself, only a few odd ones who are likely to do you any harm. Problem is it the occassions when it goes wrong that gets reported in the press. You never see headlines like," two strangers meet, had a great time and became good friends" which obviously happens many times more often that the murders or rapes etc.
John & Shel
Not mad - but wouldn't do it every day!
As already said it is different for a guy - but have met people in the past after a couple of hours of chat in a chatroom and not having seen a pic - but almost always turn out to be fun, friendly and happy people that I have enjoyed spending time with.
Think the moral should be 'don't not do it, just be aware'
i think we all have a little doubt in the back of our minds when we are meeting some one for the first time
must say i never had a bad experience if i have met up with couples or single ladies but on a few occasions when i have had the opportunity to meet up with some one and it didnt feel right i didnt go but was curtious enough to tell them i wasnt coming
i guess if it doesnt feel right then dont do it
but we are all strangers until we meet
and there are alot of nice people out there
As the old saying goes.....'a stranger is a friend who you havent met yet'
i suppose the thought of danger and lust appeals but it can be dangerous ......................
On two occasions i have met people who have sent me messages via the add section within and hour on both occasions i just dropped everything and went and me then. it was the same for both of them and me a meet with a total stranger .
Both meets turned out ok both ladies are now good friends and even though one lady only calls and chats on teh phone now its still nice to have someone to talk to now and again without all the sex stuff getting in teh way.
Yep - I have done this - and met a couple fo lovely guys - we're still good friends although no 'fun' now. HOWEVER , I also met the guy I'm with now - over 4 years ago - so .................. I think its great !! Just trust your gut feelings/ instincts.
i have meet a few people of the net being male most people think you be fine.
i still worry meet them in public place if possable couple times gone around houses
belly full of butterflys have made some great friends out them had some good fun to.
i trust my gut feeling on things and they be right 99% time
to be honmest i wudnt invite anyone back to my flat or house (i live with parents so purley hypotheticly) that i hadnt know for a while or met at a munch.
A precaution i've taken in the past when meeting a stranger is to have a friend ring me about 20 minutes after any pre-arranged meet time. Then if i'm not comfortable with the situation i'm in, its easy to say "somethings come up and i've gotta go" or something similar. Similarly, when me and my partner were in a swingers club, we'd have a secret password or phrase we'd use if an uncomfortable situation arose, or if anything was happening that either of us were'nt happy with. The golden rule being that if either of us used the word or phrase, then we get out of the situation no matter what.
Taking a chance on a stranger........ hhhhmmmmmmmmmm........
Isn't that kind of what we do anyway? We text, talk, chat, flirt.... with a person... and then arrange to meet up...... I'm sure everyone has their back up plan in place..... but its still two people meeting for the first time.
equi-princess xxx
P.s how many of us have hitch-hiked somewhere or given a lift to a stranger?